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JobSwipe - Get a Better Job

4.6 out of 5

About JobSwipe - Get a Better Job

Applying for jobs just got easier - our intelligent job search gets smarter each time you use it, to help you find your next job today.

We’ll do the hard work and pull in jobs from all the top job boards and employer sites. You can find part-time jobs, full-time jobs, student jobs, or graduate jobs and even more - just swipe.

JobSwipe is a revolutionary new app with smart intelligence from the second you log in. Apply to the latest, closest and best jobs and find your next job today with JobSwipe to get employment opportunities fast.

Registering is quick and easy. Just create your work profile, add your industry information and your preferred job titles to scan and look for jobs in a specified location or nearby.

Equip yourself with the courses and skills you need to grow your career and increase your job prospects - straight from the app.

You’re going to love this. Just start your new job search by registering on JobSwipe and editing your work profile. We’ll use your current industry and ideal titles to scan and search for new jobs nearby. Job searching has never been easier, faster and more enjoyable!

- The app searches MILLIONS of new jobs to find perfect job matches near you, or near a place you choose, and you can access top jobs in your area with a single tap
- We’ll stack up your job matches
- You can swipe right to shortlist the job, and left to delete it - and tap to expand it for all the details
- JobSwipe uses our Adswipe intelligent search technology to improve the quality of your job matches based on your previous swipes. Find part-time jobs, full-time jobs, student jobs, or graduate jobs and even more - by simply swiping
- If you shortlist a job, the app will look for similar jobs and show you them first - we’re the smartest job search tool around!
- If you delete a job, JobSwipe will take the hint - you won’t see the same, or similar, jobs. Made a mistake? Not a problem - we’ll show you your deleted jobs in a list, just in case.
- You can upload your CV / Resume right in the app for better opportunities to make your recruitment process faster and simpler.

- Unlike online job search websites, you only have to enter your search criteria once.
- JobSwipe can detect your location and show you all the closest job opportunities to you.
- Set alternative locations and easily switch between them using the Location tab - and increase the search distance from these locations.
- Shortlisted jobs are also emailed to you so you can apply from your laptop too.
- Email and push notifications keep you updated if you get new job matches.
- Made a mistake? No worries - you can tap to view previously deleted jobs and shortlist them.

Find your new job today with the top jobs search app! Edit your work profile, upload your CV / Resume and start applying to part-time jobs, full-time jobs, student jobs, graduate jobs, and so much more. Your job suggestions get smarter every time you swipe. Say goodbye to your recruitment woes and find a job fast. Indeed - job search becomes easier with JobSwipe.

Jobswipe uses Adswipe's Intelligent Search Technology [US Patent Pending]

JobSwipe - Get a Better Job Screenshots