Get extra time to prepare and report your personal income taxes by filing extension request, (Form 4868 and Form 2350) e-file your returns to the IRS securely in as few as 10 minutes. You don’t have to be an expert, applying for an extension is now made easy. 100% safe
This iOS App Supports Extension Tax Form 4868 - Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File U.S. Individual Income Tax Returns and Form 2350 - Application for Extension of Time to File U.S. Income Tax Return (For U.S. Citizens and Resident Aliens Abroad Who Expect To Qualify for Special Tax Treatment) an IRS authorized e-file website to extend the income tax due dates in simple steps and on the go. Receive instant TEXT alert on your extension return status in just minutes once IRS accepts your tax return.
E-file is Simple, Safe and Secured and now possible to report all your personal extensions online. is the trusted e-file partner for thousands of tax payers and it’s no wonder the #1 top rated website, year after year. We would walk you through doing your returns step-by-step, with guidance designed specifically for people in need of some help online. In fact, Quick Help messages available in all the screens you navigate, makes your e-file experience a breeze.
Concerned about being audited? With, you don’t have to be. Our service helps you reduce human error and zero your chance of an audit. works on a secured and safe interface for online transactions, shields your personal information from prying eyes while you’re completing your return and send it directly to the IRS.
Need Help? Free product support from our Customer Care representatives is just a phone call away. Talk to our Tax Experts, at (866) 245 – 3918 and real-time help via online chat (available 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Eastern), get all your tax questions answered by our tax experts. Get answers specifically related to where you are in your tax return … or take a look at our blogs, FAQ’s. It’s all just a click away. is a part of ThinkTrade, Inc. web products to e-file federal tax returns with the IRS. Our products helps tax payers of US get the most contented experience of filing their returns online in a timely, fast and accurate style. Built upon considerations for taxpayers’ comfort ruling out paper filing hardships, ThinkTrade Inc’s tax solutions are well established trusted e-file resources from 2007. An early day IRS authorized e-file provider for tax products, ThinkTrade has so far succeeded with thousands of e-filers, volumes of accepted returns and that many smiles.
This iOS App Supports Extension Tax Form 4868 - Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File U.S. Individual Income Tax Returns and Form 2350 - Application for Extension of Time to File U.S. Income Tax Return (For U.S. Citizens and Resident Aliens Abroad Who Expect To Qualify for Special Tax Treatment) an IRS authorized e-file website to extend the income tax due dates in simple steps and on the go. Receive instant TEXT alert on your extension return status in just minutes once IRS accepts your tax return.
E-file is Simple, Safe and Secured and now possible to report all your personal extensions online. is the trusted e-file partner for thousands of tax payers and it’s no wonder the #1 top rated website, year after year. We would walk you through doing your returns step-by-step, with guidance designed specifically for people in need of some help online. In fact, Quick Help messages available in all the screens you navigate, makes your e-file experience a breeze.
Concerned about being audited? With, you don’t have to be. Our service helps you reduce human error and zero your chance of an audit. works on a secured and safe interface for online transactions, shields your personal information from prying eyes while you’re completing your return and send it directly to the IRS.
Need Help? Free product support from our Customer Care representatives is just a phone call away. Talk to our Tax Experts, at (866) 245 – 3918 and real-time help via online chat (available 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Eastern), get all your tax questions answered by our tax experts. Get answers specifically related to where you are in your tax return … or take a look at our blogs, FAQ’s. It’s all just a click away. is a part of ThinkTrade, Inc. web products to e-file federal tax returns with the IRS. Our products helps tax payers of US get the most contented experience of filing their returns online in a timely, fast and accurate style. Built upon considerations for taxpayers’ comfort ruling out paper filing hardships, ThinkTrade Inc’s tax solutions are well established trusted e-file resources from 2007. An early day IRS authorized e-file provider for tax products, ThinkTrade has so far succeeded with thousands of e-filers, volumes of accepted returns and that many smiles.
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