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Shiv Nam Stotra & Namavali

Vaibhav Kavathekar
5.0 out of 5

About Shiv Nam Stotra & Namavali

“Shiv Nam Stotra & Namavali”
One and only app which gives you the huge collection of Nam Stotra & Namavali of Lord Shiv.

Collection of 21 Nam Stotra & Namavali.

Shiva is regarded as one of the primary forms of God. He is the Supreme God.

Shiv Nam Stotra & Namavali available in 9 languages.
* Sanskrit
* English
* Gujarati
* Kannada
* Tamil
* Bengali
* Malyalam
* Telugu
* Oriya

App comes up with collection of features:
- Direct Jump to the particular section of stotra and namavali.
- Image Galary.
- Reminder for Shiv Nam Stotra & Namavali Path/Avartan
- Bookmark.

Download Now!!!

Shiv Nam Stotra & Namavali Screenshots