The generative idea of the Italian Sports Centre is to invest in culture, education and services through games, sports and movement. The “single person” is the heart of the ICS project (Italian Sports Centre – CSI – Centro Sportivo Italiano): through a well devised and a more and more complete service network our Association wants to make itself available for a path accompanying the “single person” throughout his/her life.
With such a premise we could not help collaborate enthusiastically to the development of a project for movement involving aggregation, relationships, health, welfare, tourism and culture in a sports mix.
MuoviMo is a digital application belonging to the category of “serious games” for being healthy.
The serious games for being healthy are needed in order to get positive results in terms of behavioural change and learning, and they are “games” that, in digital format and on mobile devices, have different ways of approach between playful and educational. Their main feature is that entertainment is the medium through which people are educated and guided to learn certain information so as to provide them with the adequate motivation to adopt a certain kind of behaviour.
MuoviMo is a serious game concerning the promotion of physical exercise for being healthy and how to keep off, in the long run, some chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes and prevent complications.
MuoviMo can help doctors, as the simple exchange of information between them and their patients is not often enough to convince people to modify their behaviour.
MuoviMo is a project of active tourism for a city promoting good health, and it is a smart city project to promote urban trekking, fast walk or slow run, on the best track in the historic centre of Modena. It is meant for every single person and for spontaneous dynamic walking parties who are homogeneous in their pace speed.
The app is an on-line navigator (not satellite) made up of a sequence of pictures with which you can visit the historic city at your own speed for the best of your health. You will follow a well defined itinerary associating slow physical exercise to the discovery of works of art, sights, less known historic places lived by residents. There are pictures and descriptions (audiovisual too) of all the buildings of some artistic, cultural and historical interest on the track. The project aims to make of the city centre an open air gym for everyone at any given moment during the day and all year round.
MuoviMo is also an informative campaign applying the “global recommendations on physical activity for good health of the World Health Organisation (WHO)”. It is therefore an application to improve your health just with physical exercise at moderate intensity (fast walk or slow run).
MuoviMo is a real smart city project, a new genre of common welfare, as it creates a “dialogue” between people and the city. Information are integrated generating intelligence and producing social inclusion. It is for this reason that we have called the circular track in the city centre pedestrians’ urban caravan: a new technological and immaterial infrastructure where you go to play a game with the intake of healthy movement “pills” to move on from facebook to shaking hands with people.
Events such as theatre or music performances are also organised on the track. Exhibitions, shows and product tastings at 0 Km are part of the project too. We can do trains of healthy walking parties but also organise reading groups, or groups to contrast alcoholism and nicotine addiction, or for good food nutrition.
MuoviMo is substantially a regularity game to keep healthy through the “intake”, during your daily routine, of short breaks of slow movement in the historic centre of Modena.
The generative idea of the Italian Sports Centre is to invest in culture, education and services through games, sports and movement. The “single person” is the heart of the ICS project (Italian Sports Centre – CSI – Centro Sportivo Italiano): through a well devised and a more and more complete service network our Association wants to make itself available for a path accompanying the “single person” throughout his/her life.
With such a premise we could not help collaborate enthusiastically to the development of a project for movement involving aggregation, relationships, health, welfare, tourism and culture in a sports mix.
MuoviMo is a digital application belonging to the category of “serious games” for being healthy.
The serious games for being healthy are needed in order to get positive results in terms of behavioural change and learning, and they are “games” that, in digital format and on mobile devices, have different ways of approach between playful and educational. Their main feature is that entertainment is the medium through which people are educated and guided to learn certain information so as to provide them with the adequate motivation to adopt a certain kind of behaviour.
MuoviMo is a serious game concerning the promotion of physical exercise for being healthy and how to keep off, in the long run, some chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes and prevent complications.
MuoviMo can help doctors, as the simple exchange of information between them and their patients is not often enough to convince people to modify their behaviour.
MuoviMo is a project of active tourism for a city promoting good health, and it is a smart city project to promote urban trekking, fast walk or slow run, on the best track in the historic centre of Modena. It is meant for every single person and for spontaneous dynamic walking parties who are homogeneous in their pace speed.
The app is an on-line navigator (not satellite) made up of a sequence of pictures with which you can visit the historic city at your own speed for the best of your health. You will follow a well defined itinerary associating slow physical exercise to the discovery of works of art, sights, less known historic places lived by residents. There are pictures and descriptions (audiovisual too) of all the buildings of some artistic, cultural and historical interest on the track. The project aims to make of the city centre an open air gym for everyone at any given moment during the day and all year round.
MuoviMo is also an informative campaign applying the “global recommendations on physical activity for good health of the World Health Organisation (WHO)”. It is therefore an application to improve your health just with physical exercise at moderate intensity (fast walk or slow run).
MuoviMo is a real smart city project, a new genre of common welfare, as it creates a “dialogue” between people and the city. Information are integrated generating intelligence and producing social inclusion. It is for this reason that we have called the circular track in the city centre pedestrians’ urban caravan: a new technological and immaterial infrastructure where you go to play a game with the intake of healthy movement “pills” to move on from facebook to shaking hands with people.
Events such as theatre or music performances are also organised on the track. Exhibitions, shows and product tastings at 0 Km are part of the project too. We can do trains of healthy walking parties but also organise reading groups, or groups to contrast alcoholism and nicotine addiction, or for good food nutrition.
MuoviMo is substantially a regularity game to keep healthy through the “intake”, during your daily routine, of short breaks of slow movement in the historic centre of Modena.
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