iEnvironment icon


Luca Ceci
3.5 out of 5

About iEnvironment

App compatible with Apple watch!!!
The app that scan your environment, you can check the status of an environment only move yourself with the app around you
You can see on watch the last values of the sensors, and refreash them when you want.
The EMF values on watch are updated online.


- eletro-magnetic sensor - scan for eletric magnetic fields
- signal scan - scan for connections present (wifi signal or 3g signal or nothing)
- ligth scan - scan for quality and intensity of ligths
- audio scan - scan for noise or rumors, audio pollution
- climate scan - scan for strong wind in the environment (try to blow or touch in the mic..)
- GPS scan - report the GPS location of the envirnment

You can use it also for check eletric line or metals in the wall, it use the magnetometor.

the app don't have scientific validation or medical pourpose, it's only for entertainment or first basic, non professional analysis.

iEnvironment Screenshots