mecca find express icon

mecca find express

Kittidech Vongsak
4.0 out of 5

About mecca find express

Mecca find is the ultimate tool to get accurate prayer timings with accurate Qibla direction from anywhere in the world.

* Prayer times for your current GPS position.

* See a countdown of time to next prayer. Will adjust to your time zone and GPS when traveling.

* Displays prayer times for: Fajr, Sunrise, Dhuhr, Asr, Sunset, Maghrib and Isha.

* Sound and Vibration Alerts. Get automatic reminders for individual prayers. Supports various azan alerts as well as vibration only alerts.

* Qibla direction for selected cities or using your current GPS position.

* No settings required. Mecca find is completely automatic as it detects your location, appropriate prayer calculation method, timezone and much more.

* Find mosques nearly your current position.

mecca find express Screenshots