
ALiz Inspirations, LLC
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Introducing the new SendThanks APP dedicated to putting gratitude on the map!

Studies have shown that embracing positivity leads to better health and that’s the best kind of wealth. But most people would agree that sometimes the world is a difficult place to be. Taking a few moments to remember the good things every day can change our perspective in many beneficial ways.

The SendThanks APP allows users to send gratitude out into the world each day in two distinct ways. Begin by posting a response to the question “What Are You Thankful For?”, once answered the APP makes it easy to do something more, post their response on the world wide web for all to see instantly filling the world with glee! The SendThanks APP also enables it’s users to send thank you cards out to anyone for any reason, it’s not at all hard. You can make someone else feel better by writing a brief letter, using the SendThanks APP you can send e-cards out anytime without spending a dime. Simply download the APP for free, scroll through our Thankful Feed and i’m sure you’ll be inspired to explore the benefits of adopting a more positive attitude all in the name of gratitude.

It has been said that gratitude is the greatest treasure, the SendThanks APP is valuable beyond measure at making it quick and easy to share our positive thoughts and personal treasures - using the SendThanks APP truly makes it a pleasure. To be a part of the new trend, send gratitude out to a friend, just download the SendThanks APP to any mobile device it would be really nice to make your contribution to this grateful revolution! Screenshots

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