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About CaptureProof

CaptureProof is asynchronous telemedicine - decoupling medical care from time and location. Securely share patient photos and videos: collaborate around the episode of care and keep patients out of the ER. Optimize who you see - where and when.

CaptureProof is the doctor’s prescription pad for media.
Request a specific photo or video from the patient at home with a secure media Rx™ or objectively track a patient’s progress in the office.

CaptureProof automatically creates a time lapse and comparison of a patient’s healing with photos or videos, to be accessed and shared anywhere, anytime. Keep PHI safe with the CaptureProof’s hipaa library. Link episodes of care into any EHR.

CaptureProof turns wait-and-see into see-and-know. Put the doctor’s eye into the patient’s hand. Everybody heals differently, stop simply describing symptoms, show them through CaptureProof.

CaptureProof is HIPAA US-EU Privacy Shield/Swiss Safe harbor compliant

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