MINDA icon


Livestock Improvement Corporation
5.0 out of 5


The MINDA app is a simple way to quickly record events and view animal information from wherever you are on the farm.

Keep up to date with your animals and record all important events whether you’re connected to the internet or not.

Easy to use and understand, the MINDA app saves you time and reduces the risk of losing data.

Look-up – Search for and view animal information including; ancestry, production, reproduction, health and other essential details
Event recording – Record events for calvings, matings, heats, health events, pregnancy diagnoses, removals, taggings, body condition scores, EID assign, liveweights, NAIT movements and dry off
Calving Schedule - easily view the due date of a calving and tap through to record the calving information
High SCC reporting - shows top 10% animals SCC results and allows health treatment records to be completed
Pasture covers – Record pasture covers into MINDA Land & Feed
Groups - view and create groups of animals in your herd
Checklist - create and use checklists, helpful for drafting or end of season herd reads.

MINDA Screenshots