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Shema Yisroel

Chabad of the Conejo, Inc.
4.5 out of 5

About Shema Yisroel

Throughout history, Jews of all stripes have lived — and, in many instances, died — with the declaration of the “Shema” on their lips.

Testifying to the Almighty’s presence and providence in our world and in our lives, this key verse is the ultimate expression of a Jew’s connection to his inner truth; his essential core — his very soul.

--- The alarm on Shabbat will last for 10 secs and then will turn off automatically. ---

Daily Notifications reminding you of the time to recite the Shema.

The application and website are sponsored in honor of the Broder, Schwarz, and Graber families of Baltimore, Maryland.

A project created by The Saber Team.

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