Vervet - Vegan Gluten Scanner icon

Vervet - Vegan Gluten Scanner

Deft Systems Inc.
2.1 out of 5

About Vervet - Vegan Gluten Scanner

Know ingredients on-the-go using your mobile device. Vegan, Gluten, Vegetarian

We understand the stress of identifying unrecognizable ingredients in labels. Vervet scanner simplifies those ingredients visually. Our database has over 200,000 food and drinks products. The database is constantly updated and is growing.

Use the scanner to identify ingredients are (or not) suitable to your diet preference.

The ingredients are grouped under
* Vegan
* Vegetarian
* Gluten-free
* Dairy
* Egg
* Meat
* Nuts
* Chemicals/Preservatives

The information displayed are based on the origin of the ingredients. Some ingredients may have multiple origin (e.g. plants and animals), in such cases both the origin are considered.

Vervet does not provide medical advice.

Manufacturers might change ingredients. In such cases please read the label carefully.

Suggestions are most welcome.

Vervet - Vegan Gluten Scanner Screenshots