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Inventory Stock Sale Warehouse

Index Global Solutions

About Inventory Stock Sale Warehouse

App helps to keep track of inventory of products. The inventory is tracked based on where the product is stored (LOCATION) and group of the location (LOCATION GROUP) and unit of measurement of the stored product (UOM) and status of the inventory i.e., (ON ORDER or COMPLETED in case of BUY) or (ON SALE or COMPLETED in case of SELL).
App supports the actions BUY, SELL, MOVE, and CONVERT on the inventory.

• Create Products with code and description
• Take a picture or assign image from photo library to identify the product easily
• Group the products under a category
• Increase the inventory
• Decrease the inventory
• Move the inventory from one location to another location
• Convert the inventory from one unit of measurement to another unit
• Sync multiple devices using iCloud safe and securely

• Inventory report by Product
• Inventory report by Location
• Inventory report by Location Group

• Products screen displays the products in a table format. It displays product image, code, description and Inventory of the product.
• Inventory is the product consolidated based on the UOM across location and location group.
• The search bar helps to search based on code and description of the product.
• The Action button BUY and SELL helps to increase and decrease the Inventory
• Scan button opens camera and scans barcode. If the barcode does not exist, it creates new product. If exists it prompts to BUY or SELL the product.

• An inventory record consists of the following detail
• Product - The products image, product code and description of the product
• Quantity in hand - The quantity of the product available for sale
• Unit Of Measurement - The UNIT in which unit the product is quantified. For example Kg, Cases, Litre, etc., UOM needs to be defined in Settings. User can define custom unit of measurement too. Same product can be stored in different unit of measurement pack. For example ton or kg.
• Average Cost - Average Cost of the product per unit. The product is bought in different time can have different unit price. So average cost will be calculated for available product.
• Location - Location in which the product being stored. This is user defined custom location. Example Rack 1 or Rack Amazon. The location can be defined in Settings of the app
• Location Group - Many locations can be grouped together. This could be a warehouse or building or part of building. To ease of grouping this feature is given. User can define custom groups and add locations to it.
• Status - Status of the inventory. There are 3 statuses. COMPLETED - the inventory in this status can be sold or moved to different location or converted to different unit of measurement. ON ORDER - the inventory in this status is being bought but not yet received in this location. This inventory either COMPLETE or CANCEL. Once action taken the inventory is adjusted. ON SALE - the inventory in this status is sold but not yet shipped. This inventory either COMPLETE or CANCEL. Once action taken the inventory is adjusted.
• Date - The date in which the inventory is effective

BUY action increases the inventory of a particular product. While buying a product the following details need to be entered to keep track of the inventory.

SELL action decreases the inventory of a particular product. While selling the following details need to be entered to adjust the inventory.

The inventory in COMPLETE status can be moved to different location within the Location Group or across Location Group.
MOVE action decreases inventory from source location and increases to target location. The following details need to be captured while moving

The inventory in COMPLETE status can be converted to different unit of measurement within the same location. This action helps to do different type of packing.
CONVERT action decreases inventory from source unit of measurement and increases in target unit of measurement.
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Inventory Stock Sale Warehouse Screenshots