Tarzi tahorat cardan va namoz hondan, azon, suragoi maida, tasbeҳ va kairaҳo.
Эй Худо, эй Қодири бечанду чун, Воқифӣ бар ҳоли беруну дарун. Ин қадар иршод бар мо додаӣ, Ин қадар Ту айби мо пӯшидаӣ. Қатраи илм аст андар ҷони ман, Вораҳонаш аз ҳаво в-аз хоки тан... Ин ҷаҳон кӯҳасту феъли мо – нидо, Сӯи мо ояд нидоҳоро садо... Ин ҷаҳон кӯҳасту гуфтугӯи ту, Аз садо ҳам боз ояд сӯ
Salt donors of America, Kavon Kosh of Bovaria, Komil Dosht, Ki Ba Maseҳimon Ovardan in Kori Az қ Al Berun Ast. Ba dindoron bo takabbur nigo mekard wa bo ono basu munozira menamud. Ӯ mustaқilona ba tadқiқi ҳuҷҷatҳoi duҳazorsola shurӯ kard, then isbot kunad, ki maseҳyyon ishtibҳ mekunand. Hulosaҳoi m
Honai Man is a full-featured mobile application for the interaction of owners with a housing enterprise, which has no analogues on the market. A mobile application is just a user interface of a large software package that provides not only convenient interaction with customers, but also automates
Agar shumo khayolan kasero tasavvur karda tavoned, ki bo hursandi mehosted on kas boshed va hudro glad kuned, az in barmeoyad, ki shumo bo tasavvurot dar borai hud mushkiliho dored.
The application is intended for employees of "Global Express". Using the application, the employee has the opportunity to notify the dispatcher about the fulfillment of applications and create them on his own, chat with the owners, and track his rating.
MUNDARIAҶ Is Ibodat Clean? Charo mo ibodat mekun? Ibodat ba mo chӣ mediaad? Islom wa pokizagӣ. Namudҳoi pokizagӣ. Taҳorat. Is Taҳorat clean? Kadom amalҳoro be taorat iҷro cardan mumkin nest? Mo chӣ guna taorat mekunem. Foidai taorat. Farzoy taorat kadomoyand? Taҳorati moro chӣ meshikanad. Is the s
Имрӯзҳо ҳар як шахси дорои саводи молиявӣ аҳамияти идоракунии дурусти молиявӣ ва афзоиши доимии пасандозҳоро ҳуб дарк мекунад. Ба ғайр аз ин дар ҷаҳони муосир давлатеро тасаввур кардан ғайриимкон аст, ки иқтисодаш бидуни сармоягузорӣ вуҷуд дошта бошад. На ҳама мефаҳманд, ки дар рӯи замин комилан ҳам
Mo ba Khudoi is thin shukrguzorem, ki ba mo dini mubini Islomro ato farmud! Durud wa raҳmati Hudo bar Pay Пambari mo Muҳammad (s) wa honadonu eronash, ki boe betarin rodi dini Islomro dar ҳayoti ud ҷorӣ namuda wa ba ҳamai mardumon onro omzonid. Muҳabbat ba Aloҳ, in asosi dini moba baҳisob meravad.
The search engine doru.tj is an information retrieval platform where you can find a medicine, find out the price and information about the pharmacy. The platform allows you to save time and money, because. using the platform you can find your medicine at a favorable price for you and find the neares
Convenient - simple functionality, the ability to customize your personal account, promotional code, bonuses, view order history. A tab with contact details (number, addresses, e-mail, social network), a promotion tab (discounts).
The gift of in barnoma is noisy metavoned whitoboy darsӣ, badeӣ, the president of the halki khorichi wa digar kitobҳoi toҷikӣro daroft wa istifoda namoyed.
Namozi mardona vazanona kadam bo kadam.