Run your dream cake shop! A pastry chef training game where customers flock to the shop if you win the contest. "Shortcake" is born with sponge cake + strawberry + whipped cream, and new recipes are discovered. Let's make high-rank sweets by topping ingredients. When customers are satisfied, they
This app is an online co-cultivation and meditation space created by Dr. Yang Dingyi for all readers of the life series. Readers have a comprehensive understanding of life and reality through the works of all lives. You can find online co-cultivation in this app. Courses, audiobooks, and practice gu
\ついに年齢確認開始/ 安心&安全なプラットフォーム化を進めています! お気づきの点がありましたらサポートまでご連絡ください! \世界を広げよう!/ ひま部でかけがえのない友人を見つけましょう。人生最高の青春をあなたの手のひらで。 人生で最も重要なのは「人のつながり」です。 広い世界で、本当にあなたにピッタリな人を見つけること、本当に心地よい人たちを見つけ、みんなで笑い合うこと。ひま部は全力で本当の友達を見つけるサポートをします。 人生を変えるには周りの人を変えること。たった30人のクラスメイトとの関係が全てではありません。ひま部の同世代の部員の中から本当に心から尊敬しあえる仲間が見つか
An exclusive mobile application designed specifically for party members, integrating new and old party member registration and login functions, providing digital party certificates, connecting the party’s online payment of party dues and cash flow services, and connecting the party’s "National Servi
I was trapped in Mira's room. Solve tricks and mysteries, collect the necessary items, and escape. [Operation and description] ・Let's investigate by tapping the place you care about. ・Tap the item and tap where you want to use it. ・Tap the selected item again to open the item. ・You can combine item
High in the sky to fly again! Carry smb. On shoulders part! ! ■ How to Play It will carry smb. On shoulders in a timely screen tap. ■ rules The game is over in carry smb. On shoulders failure. Many times by the carry smb. On shoulders to raise the level. If the level goes up and let fly higher wit
» 收錄十六萬筆國語、兩萬筆台語、一萬四千筆客語條目,以及常用字的筆順動畫,不需網路連線即可檢閱。 » 有網路連線時可播放國語常用條目、台語及客語條目名稱的真人發音。 » 定義裡的每個字詞都可以輕按連到說明。 » 萌典線上版網址: » 字典來源為教育部《重編國語辭典修訂本》、《臺灣閩南語常用詞辭典》及《臺灣客家語常用詞辭典》。 » 筆劃資料來源為教育部《常用國字標準字體筆順學習網》。 » 國語發音資料來源為教育部《國語辭典簡編本多媒體網路版》。 » 中英/中法/中德對照來源為 CEDict、CFDict、HanDeDict,採用 CC-BY-SA 3.0
Do not have to reincarnate to rely on rich dad, gorgeous through to become the heroine of the classic drama. Fighting the official power in the intrigue, and taking care of the children at home. Out of the hall, I also got the kitchen. There are hundreds of kinds of harem, and the 101st life is crea
[Operation and description] ・Let's investigate by tapping the place you care about - Tap an item and tap where you want to use it ・Tap the selected item again to open the item ・Items that can be combined can be combined by opening the item and tapping another item. ・Auto save every time you solve a
**读好书,读经典。精选名著,尽在掌握。离线阅读,体验非凡。** 世界名著精选APP汇集了100部世界文学丛林中的经典名著。分别是: 《飘》,《教父》,《红字》,《情人》,《娜娜》,《雪国》,《简·爱》,《1984》,《小妇人》,《茶花女》,《名利场》,《红与黑》,《失乐园》,《十日谈》,《荆棘鸟》,《父与子》,《局外人》,《高老头》,《双城记》,《罪与罚》,《爱的教育》,《漂亮朋友》,《呼啸山庄》,《悲惨世界》,《远大前程》,《唐吉诃德》,《源氏物语》,《雾都孤儿》,《北回归线》,《百年孤独》,《瓦尔登湖》,《包法利夫人》,《傲慢与偏见》,《理智与情感》,《战争与和平》,《基督山伯爵》,《
Let's lead the newly established baseball club to the national victory in the summer. Athletes will train according to the amount of practice and practice policy you have decided. The practice content is not only basic training, but also batting-oriented, defensive-oriented, and it is possible to le
I was in this room when I noticed. The only door in the room is closed. where is here. I have to get out of this room. .. .. ---------------- ---------------- [Features of this game] ・ It is a free escape game. ・ It is a difficulty level that even people who are not good at escape games can enjoy.
Originating from Dali City, talking about brotherhood together, the new expansion pack "Originating from Dali" of "Tian Long Ba Bu Mobile Edition" is released today, and the new server "Dali City" is simultaneously debuting! Dali, the classic main city of the end-game tour, is 100% restored to your
Jin Yong's "shooting trilogy" genuine license, set the martial arts of Dacheng, the road to the rivers and lakes enmity, Xia Ganyi. Incorporate the original plot, restore classic characters, perform original voice dubbing, polish exquisite national style, and shape the orthodox Jin Yong martial arts
- Use it anytime, anywhere without the need for a network (stroke animation requires internet connection to display) - Safe, no unnecessary permissions required - The information comes from the Ministry of Education's re-editing of the revised Chinese-language dictionary. The content is complete and
~New Escape Game~ When I tried to clean up my child's room, I was trapped before I knew it! Use items and toys to solve various mysteries and escape from the child's room! This work is a little more difficult, but there are hints and answers, so anyone can enjoy it until the end. ● Easy to operate
乾隆大藏经。全藏共收录经、律、论、杂著等1669部, 7168卷, 共5600多万字。 全藏共分为大乘般若部, 大乘宝积部, 大乘大集部, 大乘华严部, 大乘涅槃部, 大乘五大部外重译经, 大乘单译经, 小乘阿含部, 小乘单译经, 宋元入藏诸大小乘经, 大乘律, 小乘律, 大乘论, 小乘论, 宋元续入藏诸论, 西土圣贤撰集和此土著述。
美国中文电视成立于1989年,总部位于纽约,在华盛顿、洛杉矶、旧金山、芝加哥、波士顿等地设有分部,是北美地区最具规模和影响的华文电视媒体,拥有覆盖大纽约地区的全天候数字频道及有线电视频道,在Apple TV、Roku TV等美国主流网络电视平台以及全部主流华文网络电视平台实现同步直播。美国中文电视连续五年获得纽约少数族裔及社区媒体奖(IPPIES Awards)多项媒体金奖以及2018年纽约艾美奖提名。以新闻关注时事人文、社区动态。以专题提供财经快讯,市场信息。以节目打造时尚生活,休闲娱乐。“兼收并蓄,无限包容,不断创新,超越自我”是美国中文电视一直以来追求的目标。
無料の脱出ゲームです。 ふしぎな「なぞなぞ」だらけの部屋に閉じ込められてしまった。 数々の謎なぞを解き、この部屋から脱出してください。 操作方法 ・オートセーブ機能があります。 ・画面上の気になるところをタップで調べましょう ・移動は画面下の矢印、または特定の箇所をタップすることでできることもあります。 ・取得アイテムは、タップで選択できます。 ・アイテムを選択した状態で、特定の箇所をタップすることで使用できます。 ・謎解きに詰まったら、動画広告を見ることでヒントを得ることができます。 企画、開発:ナカユビ・コーポレーション、アプリ開発マン 音楽:魔王魂さま 効果音ラボさま ポケットサウ