The open source version of the National Gay Alliance client is developed by a non-profit development team established by several forum members of the forum you know This APP is made by adding functions to fix bugs on the basis of the original film. Support mobile phones and tablets contains some new
The design is simple, the function is rich, the interaction is smooth, and the background is pure. Every page layout design is well thought out so that you can better enjoy V2EX.
Companion Speaking (Teacher Edition) -Online English Speaking Private Education Platform The trendy English speaking companion app allows you to make money by speaking; Register to be a certified spoken speaker and start saving the world right away! With great power there must come great responsib
Tips: 1. The downloaded comics are stored in ./Android/data/top.fumiama.dmzjweb/files 2. Due to official restrictions, you can watch all comics after logging in to your account. 3. This app is a third-party app, and the problem of unable to register an account overseas cannot be solved. This is a t
》Simple, fast, offline cache, save traffic. "There is no advertisement, background statistics code.
<<Taipei City, New Taipei City, Taoyuan City, Taichung City, and Kaohsiung City's real-time bus dynamic information are all in Bianchetong! >> ★Add real-time bus dynamic information of Taoyuan City★ Friends who live in the Taoyuan area can now also check the real-time information of bus arrival and
Dunhuang network (Merchant) is a the Dunhuang network designed for merchants to create mobile terminal foreign trade e-commerce vendor management platform, order management, the Order Price modify, logistics status inquiry letter transceiver station, Dunhuang through online communication platform se
The official APP developed by Alibaba Global AliExpress platform is aimed at AliExpress sellers, making it easier for sellers to conduct store management on the mobile terminal and improve seller efficiency.
软件特点: 1、通过唯一的ID来标识每一台摄像机,用户使用时,只需要设定需要观看的摄像机的ID号即可。 2、无需端口映射,设备接入互联网后,即可通过手机客户端观看设备实时视频,彻底摆脱传统的端口映射的模式和有些网络无法进行端口映射的问题。 3、对于无法建立P2P连接的摄像机,系统通过转发服务器,对视频进行转发,真正做到100%的连接。
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The official CoCo Fresh Tea & Juice app allows customers to place an order via mobile device or in-person to earn special rewards instantly. By ordering from our app, customers are able to skip the line and increase their rewards tier through the membership program. Additional features include custo
ZAKER是全国首个个性化新闻资讯App。在ZAKER,用户可获取第一手新闻、了解前沿的本地资讯、参与热门话题讨论、玩直播看视频…… 4000+信息源,高质量资讯全方位满足用户个性化信息需求。 还有杂志式排版,营造纯净清爽的阅读体验。 2012年安卓全球开发者大会Zui佳应用平台TOP10 GMIC2012开发者星球TOP50应用 2016OSCA新闻类Zui佳应用 安卓大会年度Zui具影响力移动资讯软件 新周刊年度Zui有价值手机APP 联系方式 网站 微博:@ZAKER 微信:ZAKERHD QQ群:105939694 邮箱:business@m
還在為了微薄的薪水每天辛苦開OT嗎? 還在上司的壓榨下兢兢業業工作嗎? 你是否有一個開創商業帝國,成為商業總裁的夢想呢?趕快下載今年廣受好評的商戰手遊—《金融教父》!開辦公司,培訓職員,成就你的商業帝國!招聘秘書,約會美女,踏上逆襲豪門之路!培養子女,豪門聯姻,指定金融帝國接班人! 遊戲特色 邂逅美女,與女神親密互動 遊戲採用真人美女形象,不管你喜歡名門閨秀、小家碧玉,抑或嬌俏秘書、性感OL,這裡總有一款適合你的口味; ❤️邀請女神約會,參與慈善公益,贈送禮物,出遊搭訕,結交各色美女、攻略女神好感,最後共度浪漫時刻。 招賢納才,為事業打下基礎 知名商業菁英聽候差遣,招聘職員加盟公司,培訓員
Duan Media was established in 2015. As a media focusing on original and in-depth reports, Duan Media has won more than 100 news and photography awards. It is an indispensable in-depth report and diverse voice in the Chinese-speaking world. In 2017, Duan Media became the first independent media organ
*** Official account information service will be provided in 2020. Welcome to subscribe to what you want. Welcome invited stores, organizations, government agencies to apply for use: *** The telephone function only provides common telephones for enterprises, governme
Starting from 2022, the Ministry of Finance will no longer continue to offer the sixth award of 200 yuan, but will instead issue an exclusive award of 500 yuan for 650,000 groups of cloud invoices! Hurry up and download the cloud invoice, let the winning chances up! Cloud Invoice App is an electroni
This game is a small shop development game that uses the grandma's small cafeteria as the stage background and moves forward in a story way. A small shop maintained by the old grandmother alone, although the shop is small, there is an endless stream of customers. For the customers who come to the st
【History】 Display the historical dynamic graph of the battery: current, voltage, capacitance, and temperature. 【Control】 Charge and discharge switch control, automatic equalization, clear warning, reset capacity. 【Real Time】 You can switch the monitoring equipment to view battery data in real time
★New opening attractions/stores this month★ New year, new atmosphere! Did you have a good ending last year? If not, try to have a good start this year! For those who love Japanese food, look here. The famous roasted pork Chihu comes to Taiwan. The main focus is hand-cut meat, as well as the top Jap