Literature City ( Android client. System support: Android 2.2 ~ Android 4.x The Literature City APP is synchronized with the Literature City website in real time, and we provide the latest Chinese hot news updates. Provide forum discussion forum and blog service for overseas Chin
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FT is the abbreviation of Financial Times, the British "Financial Times", is one of the most authoritative financial media in the world, with a history of 125 years. adheres to the century-old brand and authoritative reports of the Financial Times, and provides Chinese readers with bus
RIME / Plains rhyme IME, input method is an algorithm framework for cross-platform. Based on this framework, developers and other participants Rime of the open source community in Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Android platform to create a different front-end input methods to achieve. Special feature: 1
cBook 直讀中文 is a Chinese ONLY book APP. It can only read ebook .pdb and .updb files from site, ***於設定>下載內, 把下載預設目錄改至外置卡的目錄. *** No Longer support Android 1.5 1.5 users, please download 2.12.3 APK file by below link: 3.0.2 apk 檔: 2.1
美国中文电视成立于1989年,总部位于纽约,在华盛顿、洛杉矶、旧金山、芝加哥、波士顿等地设有分部,是北美地区最具规模和影响的华文电视媒体,拥有覆盖大纽约地区的全天候数字频道及有线电视频道,在Apple TV、Roku TV等美国主流网络电视平台以及全部主流华文网络电视平台实现同步直播。美国中文电视连续五年获得纽约少数族裔及社区媒体奖(IPPIES Awards)多项媒体金奖以及2018年纽约艾美奖提名。以新闻关注时事人文、社区动态。以专题提供财经快讯,市场信息。以节目打造时尚生活,休闲娱乐。“兼收并蓄,无限包容,不断创新,超越自我”是美国中文电视一直以来追求的目标。
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Learning characters has never been an easy task, but characters are the foundation of all knowledge and subjects. No matter which country's characters you are learning, if you don't pay attention to the method, just learn word by word, it will be ineffective , it is also difficult to progress. If th
A fast and simple Bible look up tool contains both Chinese and English Bible 1. Chinese Union Version + World English Bible, there is a button can quickly hide English verses. 2. Fast locate verses using the left sliding menu( click the Bible icon). 3. Swift left or right to go to previous chapte
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中醫方濟速查軟件,可以通過病癥--藥方名的方式查詢。並可以自己根據經驗和實際病癥的情況適當地修改藥方的內容。 杏林書童小ZZ專為合格合法的中醫大醫 (大醫精誠之大醫)或良醫 (有誌於不為良相便為良醫之大醫)個人服務, 立誌解脫大醫們於海量方劑數據的繁瑣細節記憶, 而發揮他們專長的辯證診斷, 更準確更快捷的治病救人, 或能投入更多時間到中醫的理論實踐的結合探索發展上, 讓中醫能更好更快地服務於更多人, 無論國籍, 不分膚色, 惠濟天下. [efansoftware]
The content of the dictionary is completed by WFG ( Comprehensive Xu Ben, Xiao Xuben, Duan Note and other supporting materials. - The application supports searching by "word", "pinyin" and "phonetic"; - With a radical index for easy searching;