Chess wizard Android Edition is a powerful mobile platform chess game, chess wizards and Windows version of the same has superior chess, mobile phones and tablet PC users to experience the fun of Chinese chess the best choice. Chess wizard Android version start flexible, the pieces also have a consi
The official application for the exchange of Driver's License in China, a full preparation for the exam, a variety of modes and detailed statistics will help pass the exam and get a driver's license in China! The only application that has all the questions for the exam, in 9 languages: English, Kor
Intelligent ID photo, professional ID photo production platform. 1. [You can find all the scenes you need to take ID photos, support more than 500 ID photos specifications] Common inch photos such as one-inch and two-inch; diplomas such as college entrance examinations and adult self-study exams; l
Light Novel Library ( A third-party public welfare app, a light novel reader with Material Design style, no ads, no profit, and the smallest installation package on the market, which started in 2014. If you want to use the search and favorite functions, please log in first! This ap
Companion Speaking (Teacher Edition) -Online English Speaking Private Education Platform The trendy English speaking companion app allows you to make money by speaking; Register to be a certified spoken speaker and start saving the world right away! With great power there must come great responsib
VPN加速大师,免费提供给海外同胞用于翻墙回国观看视频,收听音乐,玩游戏. 本软件优势: 1: 永久免费 2: 免登陆,免注册 3: 一键连接 4: 安全快速 5: VPN加速器领域多年经验
[The world's first non-sequential card battle] [TCG game with strong fairness and strategy] Game features: ·Super conscience pre-set deck After completing the novice guide, you can directly choose 50 pre-set decks to start the journey of the summoner; ·Multiple main task benefits Easily own 500 d
Light Listening English is an English listening application, there are student parties, practical parties and English lovers here. They started by practicing listening, and later found that speaking, reading, writing and translation skills improved. ◉ Comprehensive study materials, each student par
This application is a library of ancient Chinese books, in order to collect as many Chinese classical books as possible. With font scaling, bookmarks, comments, dictionary and listening to books (supporting Mandarin and Cantonese). At present, about 3 billion characters are collected in ancient book
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You can choose any GIF image file to set as your phone Live Wallpaper. This app is made to be simple and easy to operate. You don't need any special settings on your phone, as root for example. Your phone just need to be able to show Live Wallpapers. You can move and resize the image any way you li
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Unlike before, many websites and apps now always ask for your phone number before registering, verifying or activating your account. Giving your phone number can put you at a lot of risk. We live in a world without private information. Instead of letting your own number be exposed, our platform will
慧眼是一家专业的手机客户端软件连接DVR和IPCamera。 该软件是专业的,并且有版权保护。 ------------2015-09-14----------- 1、新增支持N9000(2816NE-C、2816ND-C、2832NE-C) 2、新增支持1080P LITE 设备(2704AS-SL、2708AS-S、2716AS-SL) 3、替换穿透库,修改穿透逻辑,优化穿透成功率 4、支持DVR/NVR的3.4.4和3.4.5版本 5、新增加了一、四画面下,配置通道帧率和码率功能 6、解决硬解码、软解码切换bug 7、解决硬解码切换没有音频问题和音频杂音问题 8、解决新设备录像配置、网