This is a roll of film that does not need to be stored in the refrigerator and will not expire. It truly reproduces the colors of Kodak, Fuji, Agfa and many other special films. We currently have the following films available, and we will occasionally release new films (especially discontinued films
Application Type: Image stitching tool Instructions: 1. Choose a certain number of pictures; 2. selecting a particular fill color; 3. Select the direction of the picture mosaic, horizontal or vertical; 4. Once will save photos on a memory card will appear in the album, save the file path displayed b
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1.Start equipment:Long Press the on/ off button of the equipment, and we can see the equipment light blinks for 1 second and the on/ off light and shooting light blink for 2 seconds; and then the shooting light goes out but the on/ off light blinks. The equipment is totally started after the on/ off
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The Watch Movies Learn English APP collects and sorts out the live videos and links of English experts, official teaching channels, and news websites on Internet audio-visual websites, so that users can conveniently watch English teaching programs on Internet audio-visual websites.
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