Literature City ( Android client. System support: Android 2.2 ~ Android 4.x The Literature City APP is synchronized with the Literature City website in real time, and we provide the latest Chinese hot news updates. Provide forum discussion forum and blog service for overseas Chin
The free *official* Voice of America (VOA) news app provides news and multimedia reports to your mobile device or tablet. Voice of America operates one of the world's largest international news media networks on television, radio and digital platforms, with a global audience of more than 200 million
Oulu Dictionary is an essential reference software for English learners. Fast start-up, full-featured, no ads, do not disturb; massive expansion of thesaurus, custom editing; support Chinese, English, Japanese, French, German and other multilingual translation. Learning, translation, notes, exams, c
APP contains a total of Qin, Han, Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Sui Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, Five Dynasties, Song, Jin, Yuan, Ming Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, a total of 3780 ancient poetry, covering the Tang, Song, Yuan, poetry , Chu, full Tang, Song and other classics whole, to help you lear
美国中文电视成立于1989年,总部位于纽约,在华盛顿、洛杉矶、旧金山、芝加哥、波士顿等地设有分部,是北美地区最具规模和影响的华文电视媒体,拥有覆盖大纽约地区的全天候数字频道及有线电视频道,在Apple TV、Roku TV等美国主流网络电视平台以及全部主流华文网络电视平台实现同步直播。美国中文电视连续五年获得纽约少数族裔及社区媒体奖(IPPIES Awards)多项媒体金奖以及2018年纽约艾美奖提名。以新闻关注时事人文、社区动态。以专题提供财经快讯,市场信息。以节目打造时尚生活,休闲娱乐。“兼收并蓄,无限包容,不断创新,超越自我”是美国中文电视一直以来追求的目标。
使用方法:1,点登录,扫码进账户。2,点击任意一种模式开始学习。 大概25分钟可以学满25分。 由于安卓手机系统、尺寸等不一,有可能会影响学习效率。因此,有问题的童鞋,学习效率低的童鞋请留言自己的情况。我会根据这些更改代码,以节省每个人的时间。。 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 希望大家都可以在这里快速的学习,用省出来的时间去思考人生中更有意义的事情。 ------------------------------------------------------------------
"Three Kingdoms" is an original classic strategy card game that integrates history, literature, art and other elements. In each game, players can play as famous players from three different countries, combine their identities in the game, use wisdom to find teammates, defeat opponents and win 【Fea
古典文学包含了经部-十三经,十三经注疏,史部-正史,地理,别杂史等,子部-诸子,道家,术数,兵家,兵家,科技,书法绘画,传习录-艺术,儒家,杂家,蒙学,释家,集部-总集,别集,戏曲,文论,小说-明清通俗小说,文言小说约500多部著作。此外还包括7000多篇短文,15000多则笑话。支持搜索,书签。明清小说列表: 红楼梦, 西游记, 三国演义, 水浒传, 官场现形记, 儒林外史, 孽海花, 东周列国志,
『诗经』是中国古代诗歌开端,最早的一部诗歌总集,收集了西周初年至春秋中叶(前11世纪至前6世纪)的诗歌,共311篇,其中6篇为笙诗,即只有标题,没有内容,称为笙诗六篇(南陔、白华、华黍、由康、崇伍、由仪),反映了周初至周晚期约五百年间的社会面貌。 『诗经』的作者佚名,绝大部分已经无法考证,传为尹吉甫采集、孔子编订。『诗经』在先秦时期称为『诗』,或取其整数称『诗三百』。西汉时被尊为儒家经典,始称『诗经』,并沿用至今。诗经在内容上分为『风』、『雅』、『颂』三个部分。『风』是周代各地的歌谣;『雅』是周人的正声雅乐,又分『小雅』和『大雅』;『颂』是周王庭和贵族宗庙祭祀的乐歌,又分为『周颂』、『鲁颂』和
A fast and simple Bible look up tool contains both Chinese and English Bible 1. Chinese Union Version + World English Bible, there is a button can quickly hide English verses. 2. Fast locate verses using the left sliding menu( click the Bible icon). 3. Swift left or right to go to previous chapte
快词英汉词典是一个简单好用的在线英汉词典、汉英词典,是英语学习和阅读的好帮手。 * 词组、短语查找。 * 单词发音。 * 相关词、同义词、反义词,以及例句中大多数的词已经链接,轻按一下就能查找该词。 * 浏览器模式的查找历史,可以轻松前进,后退。 * 按时间和字母顺序排列的详细查找历史,便于复习。 * 在外存/SD卡上保存查找历史,以便备份或转移到新手机。需要“修改或删除您的 SD 卡中的内容”权限。 用法: * 在其它应用中选择要查找的单词,然后“分享”给快词查找。 * 在其它应用中“剪切”或“拷贝”单词,然后打开快词,快词将自动查找该单词。 * 在快词中直接输入单词查找
The idiom dictionary is completely offline, and contains more than 50,000 idioms, including interpretations, sources, and examples of idioms. At the same time, more than a thousand idiom stories were included. inquiry mode: 1. Enter idioms or partial queries directly. 2. Enter the first word query o
Learning characters has never been an easy task, but characters are the foundation of all knowledge and subjects. No matter which country's characters you are learning, if you don't pay attention to the method, just learn word by word, it will be ineffective , it is also difficult to progress. If th
The Translator Academy is unique in its unique combination of knowledge and language learning, so that you can help others while improving yourself. You must have never experienced such an experience. Come and try this app that has a special status in the eyes of millions of users! The Institute of
全世界唯一的一款基于人脑记忆规律和闭环记忆理念的智能汉字卡片应用,专门为会说中文但不会认字的身居海外的华裔子女量身定制,帮助小朋友们牢固持久的掌握常用的汉字,为有效的中文阅读能力打下扎实的基础,让孩子长大以后能够真正有能力去理解和参悟中华民族几千年的文化。 身居海外的华裔儿童由于缺乏充足的语境和学习动力,尽管父母花了很多力气教孩子中文,但是最终都只能达到一个能说但是无法读写的水平。最关键的问题还是字没有记牢,花了力气去记去写,但是一段时间不复习不使用就忘记了,以前的努力就会付诸东流。大家常用的纸质汉字卡片容易丢失,而且查找困难。家长或者老师也无法长期跟踪每个字的学习进度。孩子的汉字学习完全处
A home for millions of Japanese learners and lovers to meet on a blind date! Automatic recognition of pseudonyms, Chinese, Japanese, English, Romany, inflection, phrases, etc., one-click search; up to 12 test question types, free configuration, bombardment of new words; many Japanese websites one-cl
The completely offline Chinese ancient poetry app contains 332,875 poems. The application does not have network permissions and is completely offline.
China Daily app is your first choice for English news about China. China Daily, the largest English-language media group in China, is the go-to source for high-quality English news content including breaking news, livestreaming, videos, commentary and in-depth reporting. The app also has a bilingu
Children learn Ruby is a targeted infants and children learn pinyin software. Teaching through fun cartoon graphics and audio combined, so that children can easily grasp consonants, vowels and tones of readings and writing, learning Pinyin basis unconsciously. Children learn the phonetic alphabet fu
Feature highlights: 1. Contains 700+ static maps (involving 300+ maps of national provinces, cities, counties, political districts, world political districts, historical maps, topographic maps, climate maps, 50+ city subway maps, high-speed rail maps of various countries, English maps, etc.) 2. 3D g