[Product introduction] Sina Finance is the leading brand of China's finance and economics, and it is the choice of hundreds of millions of investors. 【Features】 * Financial News: 7 * 24-hour tracking of global financial trends, policy trends, major stock information, and clear investment opportuni
Record your unforgettable days (anniversaries/countdowns). - Support for the creation of new calendars and lunar calendars - Support desktop small layout viewing days - Support for special days - Support reminder anniversary - Support for anniversaries and countdown days
2020's most popular Counter-attack life style simulation RPG "Riri Wanji" launched Brand new version! Being an official here, your life is not only about planning and managing, getting married and having children! The brand-new version of Yui Hatano is coming, letting you beautiful women everywhere
A fast and simple Bible look up tool contains both Chinese and English Bible 1. Chinese Union Version + World English Bible, there is a button can quickly hide English verses. 2. Fast locate verses using the left sliding menu( click the Bible icon). 3. Swift left or right to go to previous chapte
圣经 - The best android application about Mandarin Chinese in Audio Bible mp3 and free e-book Bible to read. With this app you can read and hear the words of God at the same time in Chinese Mandarin language. If you love to read, just feel free to read but If your schedule is very busy and you basical
The official application for the exchange of Driver's License in China, a full preparation for the exam, a variety of modes and detailed statistics will help pass the exam and get a driver's license in China! The only application that has all the questions for the exam, in 9 languages: English, Kor
Light Novel Library (Wenku8.com) A third-party public welfare app, a light novel reader with Material Design style, no ads, no profit, and the smallest installation package on the market, which started in 2014. If you want to use the search and favorite functions, please log in first! This ap
Based Xposed! Application lock: Application start verification. Recently verification task. Recently task Gaussian blur (algorithm from fastblur). Custom validator. He broke into the capture. Fingerprint verification. Since the launch of management: Certain restrictions (user selec
Google Play 因为应用大小的限制,故佛经不是完整版,完整版下载链接如下: 1), Baidu Drvie, https://pan.baidu.com/s/1qYgXcmS 2), Google Drive, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8iiTrM0Eu7ybEpISXVMS1ZJUHc 阿弥陀佛 市面上没有现成的乾隆大藏经阅读器,有的基本也都有广告,个人认为佛经是不应该来做广告的,于是自己做了这个佛经阅读器,不包含广告 主要功能: 1,阅读乾隆大藏经 2,自动保存阅读历史 3,有白天/黑夜模式,可调节亮度,可调节字体 4,搜索功能 5,
May the glory be to God, the nostalgic version starts again! Functions and Features: ● Bible Version: Simplified Chinese Union Version. ● ((((~Latest feature: voice reading~)))) ● ((((~You can read it offline~)))) ● Features: fast and intuitive, simple and clear functions. ● Switch between day and
乾隆大藏经。全藏共收录经、律、论、杂著等1669部, 7168卷, 共5600多万字。 全藏共分为大乘般若部, 大乘宝积部, 大乘大集部, 大乘华严部, 大乘涅槃部, 大乘五大部外重译经, 大乘单译经, 小乘阿含部, 小乘单译经, 宋元入藏诸大小乘经, 大乘律, 小乘律, 大乘论, 小乘论, 宋元续入藏诸论, 西土圣贤撰集和此土著述。
使用说明: 轻轻滑动手指翻页,可自行修改设置字体大小、字体颜色、背景颜色,白天/夜晚模式,添加书签,自动记忆上次阅读位置。 《九评共产党》简称《九评》,为《大纪元时报》系列评论性文章,主要是对共产主义和共产党(尤其是中国共产党)政治观及宇宙观的评价,以及其统治中国大陆期间的历史事件造成的影响。 《九评共产党》于2004年11月开始在《大纪元时报》上连载,现时已经集结成书在海外出版,也剪辑出一套纪录片,透过网络及其他途径传播。发表不久立刻在国际社会上引起了强烈反响,很快就被翻译成英、日、德、法、韩、俄、西班牙、越南及意大利等多种语言。
"Supervision Service" provides users with access to traffic violation tickets, automobile (motor) fuel costs and other supervision service information through their ID number, birthday or supervision service network member password. The service functions are as follows: 1. Query and payment of traf
One-handed idle card game with hundreds of monster cards and colorful illustrations! Super vivid voice effects, rich Shanhaijing stories! [Giving 30 Consecutive Draws] At the beginning of the game, you will be given 30 consecutive draws, summon a five-star limited beast, become a brave summoner, le
如果有严重的当机问题,请删除系统与 CBOLGB 目錄再重装 除中文圣经功能外,还具备原文编号、原文字典、字汇分析等原文工具,并有部份经卷之注释功能,适合研经使用。其中注释与字汇分析是透过网路撷取信望爱站的资料,需在网路连接的状态下才能运行。 本系统由信望爱资讯中心提供,如果您需要更强大完整的功能,请至 http://bible.fhl.net/gbdoc/ 信望爱信仰与圣经资源中心网站。 注:请各位使用者不要再提版本问题,我们只能提供没有著作权问题的版本,大部分英文版本有著作权问题,我们这个义工组织没有能力获得授权。 我们的工作,都是为了让上帝的话语更加广传,我们的才华有限,程式系统
21 Finance Client is the official client of China Southern Finance All Media Group, and was selected as "Innovative Cases of China's Newspaper Industry Intensive Integration Development in 2020". As a mainstream financial media, the content of the 21 Finance client closely revolves around the group’
『诗经』是中国古代诗歌开端,最早的一部诗歌总集,收集了西周初年至春秋中叶(前11世纪至前6世纪)的诗歌,共311篇,其中6篇为笙诗,即只有标题,没有内容,称为笙诗六篇(南陔、白华、华黍、由康、崇伍、由仪),反映了周初至周晚期约五百年间的社会面貌。 『诗经』的作者佚名,绝大部分已经无法考证,传为尹吉甫采集、孔子编订。『诗经』在先秦时期称为『诗』,或取其整数称『诗三百』。西汉时被尊为儒家经典,始称『诗经』,并沿用至今。诗经在内容上分为『风』、『雅』、『颂』三个部分。『风』是周代各地的歌谣;『雅』是周人的正声雅乐,又分『小雅』和『大雅』;『颂』是周王庭和贵族宗庙祭祀的乐歌,又分为『周颂』、『鲁颂』和
Forex trading is a precious metal raw financial market information APP, is committed to provide 7X24 hour point of fried gold, silver, foreign exchange, crude oil, futures, commodities and so on investor transaction reference information, the first time the world's key financial update data! Financi
A simple to use Chinese-English Bible (汉英圣经, 中英文圣经,中英圣经, 中文圣经, 圣经). By tapping an icon, you can quickly toggle between the Chinese union version (和合本) and an English translation (King James version or World English Bible), or read them side-by-side. Version 1.3 includes Share and TTS Read features u
This APP is an electronic wooden fish, which can simulate the real wooden fish tapping. We support a variety of wooden fish skins, which can be set to automatically tap the wooden fish, or tap the screen to tap the wooden fish.