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Fuzhou Dialet is also Fuzhounese, Foochow, Hokchew or Hok-chiu. This Chinese Dialet is spoken in Fuzhou China and China Town in New York City. Learn to speak Chinese Dialet with this app.
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The syllabary is the basic knowledge of beginners in Japanese. This application allows users to learn Japanese at any time by displaying the pronunciation and writing of the syllabary, including the syllabary, voiced, and arpeggio. At the same time, match the pseudonym to the small game, let the use
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The pronunciation of Thai letters is a relatively important part of Thai language learning. It is also an introductory study in Thai. This application allows users to learn Thai at any time by displaying the Thai alphabet's writing and pronunciation (including yuan, consonants, and numbers). The fir
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"Fuzhou · Sanfangqixjang" Xperia model is a special theme for Sony Xperia smartphones (Android 5.1 or later is recommended). The Fuzhou SanFangQiXiang Theme is made for Xperia devices. (Better compatibility with Lollipop 5.1 and above.) "Lanes" on both sides of the Drum Tower District, South Street
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[A must-have automatic accounting artifact for lazy people, it doesn't matter if you forget to keep accounts! 】 Automatic accounting of income and expenditure without hands Integrate cash, 34 bank credit cards, investment assets and budget in 1 second Automatically update all income and expendit
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