Intelligent ID photo, professional ID photo production platform. 1. [You can find all the scenes you need to take ID photos, support more than 500 ID photos specifications] Common inch photos such as one-inch and two-inch; diplomas such as college entrance examinations and adult self-study exams; l
A sweet camera - take a high-sweet girly feeling A super sweet girl selfie app that integrates shooting, photo editing and other functions. [Texture filter light beauty] Variety of style texture filters, oxygen makeup, lightweight beauty, you can define it with salt or sweetness. 【Exclusive sticke
1. The APP, as a handheld client of the battery camera produced by our company, can communicate with the battery camera via the Internet; 2. The APP can browse the video and audio of the battery camera produced by our company, play back the video in the TF card, set the parameters of the battery cam
This plug-in module is an enhanced Caller ID application, it is recommended when you need these advanced features to install this application. Open Source Project Address: Beta testing and exchange community:
★ Chief speed camera ★ ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ How long has the radar speedometer on your car not been updated? When I first bought it, I received a computer for an update Trouble disassembling and not updating until now I want to say that I bought everything for addition and subtraction, and still occupy a cigarett
Transocks is a simple and easy-to-use VPN that can help global users have unlimited access to Mainland China websites and applications, watch Chinese dramas, listen to Chinese songs, watch Chinese games, and connect to life in China. What can Transocks do: * Unlock and speed up websites & audio & v
1.Start equipment:Long Press the on/ off button of the equipment, and we can see the equipment light blinks for 1 second and the on/ off light and shooting light blink for 2 seconds; and then the shooting light goes out but the on/ off light blinks. The equipment is totally started after the on/ off
Speed camera detection program, including national highway, plane, elevated, fixed, interval speed detection and speeding warning The coordinates of the speed camera can be manually updated at any time Software Features : ◎ GPS speedometer, can prompt whether there is a speed camera ahead ◎ The fu
The super robot & beautiful girl work "Mobile Team Battle", specially invites the famous Japanese musician [Sawano Hiroyuki] to play the OP, ED, BGM soundtrack, and the famous animation director and mechanical designer [Da Zhang Masaki] to take charge of the machine design and PV animation supervisi
坚果云是国内最安全、稳定的云存储服务,可以自动下载文件到手机或者平板上,也可以自动备份手机照片到云端,随时随地访问您的数据。 坚果云客户端的功能包括: - 离线收藏文件夹:WiFi连接下自动同步感兴趣的文件夹,供离线访问,不耗流量,快捷省电 - 自动文件同步:访问电脑中的文件,自动缓存已打开的文件,便于离线访问 - 照片自动备份:WiFi连接下自动备份手机、平板中的照片、视频,并同步到电脑 - 笔记本/记事本:随时记录生活点滴、任务列表,自动保存到云存储 - 最近访问列表:快速访问最近打开的文件 - 邮件/短信分享:将文件或文件夹分享给自己的朋友,无需上传 - 第三方应用支持:支持从其它应用
ezETC makes it easy for you to master highway electronic toll information (ETC), and provides services such as real-time road conditions and fuel price information on national highways. For your driving, one ezETC APP is enough~ ETC balance inquiry and detailed inquiry management help you understan
含括纽约,加州,新泽西,北卡,宾州等州的最新中文试题,以及特拉华,华盛顿州,特区,马里兰最新中文驾驶手册,适合新移民,以及需要考TCL执照的华人。 总结了各地的试题,省掉了您查找的时间,通过手机能将您的琐碎时间充分利用,方便您尽快尽早的适应美国生活
Good cards and more bombs! Fun to play with! Happy time! The game is divided into four modes: Casual Mode, Challenge Mode, Bomb Mode and Masters. Casual mode cards are good, you can win easily and be in a good mood! The challenge mode is slightly more difficult, you need to count cards carefully and
《广东麻将单机版》是集合广东麻将中最经典的推倒胡玩法,让麻友们找到熟悉的广东家乡味道。真正的单机版,无需网络轻松开玩,最精美的3D画风,最智能的机器人。 广东麻将历史悠久、简单易学、玩法多样、趣味十足。只碰不吃、神手自摸、开杠抢胡、胡牌买马。 支持鬼牌的不同玩法,支持买马的自由选择,支持最正宗的广东方言,支持机器人的速度调节。多种玩法任君选择。
Run your dream cake shop! A pastry chef training game where customers flock to the shop if you win the contest. "Shortcake" is born with sponge cake + strawberry + whipped cream, and new recipes are discovered. Let's make high-rank sweets by topping ingredients. When customers are satisfied, they
【special service】 1. Eat, drink and have fun ◇Online reservation of restaurant table, save time and peace of mind ◇Order food for take-out, fruit and supper, recommended for hotel travel ◇Meituan errands, one hour, the whole city ◇Meituan e-commerce group good goods, good quality goods in the countr
这个程序是自家产品,无需任何权限,请放心使用。 从2013年初开始算,它一晃也跑了5年了。 5年内发生过很多事,最严重的是17年下半年,程序无法更新数据。因为雅虎停用数据接口,拿掉走势图。 没有数据和走势图,这程序就是个废物。 所以今天作者看到剩下的这些用户,想说,谢谢你们的不离不弃。 不过光说谢谢是木有用的,关键是让程序恢复功能。于是2017年底,作者花银子租了服务器,私心的加了广告,废寝忘食的编写数据程序, 自鸣得意的画了走势图,还自以为是的推出了新的用户界面,结果招来恶评如潮,真是欲哭无泪啊。难道作者的良心不会痛吗。 痛定思痛,作者根据用户反馈,推出了N个版本,多次修改界面,解决程
There are countless ideological and theoretical theories for the strong in the world. The teachings of the weak and the succumb to the strong are as vast as the sea. Only Chairman Mao’s thought speaks specifically for the innocent people who are bullied by the strong, and teaches the weak how to wea
Machine Core has been dedicated to sharing the lives of gamers and in-depth discussion of game-related culture since 2010. We develop original radio stations and video programs, and we are always looking for high-quality content creators. We firmly believe that games are not only games, but also i