Free Japanese Dictionary-Weblio is the Japanese dictionary app! Kanji Dictionary ――Kanji Dictionary ――Kanwa Dictionary ――It is a free dictionary app that can also be used as an encyclopedia app! Weblio Japanese Dictionary-Why Choose the Japanese Dictionary App ・ You can search for the word you
This is a free English dictionary (English-Japanese/Japanese-English dictionary) app that contains over 2.3 million English-Japanese headings and over 2.58 million Japanese-English headings. ■ Basic functions of the app ・English-Japanese dictionary where you can look up the meaning of Japanese fro
Weblio is a free English dictionary / English-Japanese dictionary / Japanese-English dictionary app! Weblio's official free English dictionary app that provides English dictionaries and English translations! Why choose Weblio English Dictionary / English-Japanese Dictionary / Japanese-English Dict
Oulu Dictionary is an essential reference software for English learners. Fast start-up, full-featured, no ads, do not disturb; massive expansion of thesaurus, custom editing; support Chinese, English, Japanese, French, German and other multilingual translation. Learning, translation, notes, exams, c
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Just enter halfway and the meaning and reading you want to look up will be displayed in one shot! Synonyms, example sentences, and web search are also available if you want to find out more. It is a convenient free dictionary app that can be used with both a Japanese dictionary and an English-Japane
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Xinhua Dictionary is completely offline Chinese dictionary. - Features: A collection of nearly thirty thousand characters. 2 Definitions rigorous, and most have a classical example. 3 Definitions speech classification lists, structured, easy access. 4 Each note also contains a phonetic alphabet, str
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《史记故事》以尊重原著为基本原则,总共讲述了60多个历史故事,在使人们更清楚的了解2000年多年之前的历史的同时,也使人们更能从故事中得到经验、教训,成人我们大家的宝贵财富。 如:在司马迁的笔下,谁被称作为第一贤臣,为什么? 赵氏孤儿和当时的国王又是什么样的关系?是什么造成了这样的悲剧,为什么程婴要牺牲自己的亲生儿子去保护孤儿? 田氏在齐国是从什么时候开始有势力的,又是什么一个人物开始壮大了田氏在齐国的力量,最终使田氏统治了齐国268年之久? 什么战役使孙膑从此名显天下? 谁曾经担任过六国的丞相?为什么他会有如此的能耐?
Learning characters has never been an easy task, but characters are the foundation of all knowledge and subjects. No matter which country's characters you are learning, if you don't pay attention to the method, just learn word by word, it will be ineffective , it is also difficult to progress. If th
EC Dictionary is a fast and easy-to-use En-Zh/Zh-En offline dictionary. Its items are up to 200,000, which support the interpretation of Simplified and Traditional Chinese, part of speech, pronunciation, and example sentences and include TOEFL, IELTS and other school-age words. It supports mobile ph
Dr.eye is a translation learning software designed and developed for Android users. It is a good assistant for English learning that you carry with you. It contains a rich English-Chinese-Chinese-English dictionary with functions such as word query, history query, daily update, new word notes, word
The "Idioms Dictionary" contains a total of more than 20,000 idioms, including interpretations of idioms, allusions, allusions, documentary evidence, usage instructions, identification, etc., and more than 1,000 idiom stories. ★★★★★★ Main features ★★★★★★ * Relevant functions of synonyms and antonym
The number of recorded ingredients is 2,020! Video of over 3,900 cooking recipes. It is full of useful information for daily shopping and menu making, from how to identify fresh ingredients, the season, how to prepare, and how to cook them. This app is provided by the pharmaceutical company Daiichi
The idiom dictionary is completely offline, and contains more than 50,000 idioms, including interpretations, sources, and examples of idioms. At the same time, more than a thousand idiom stories were included. inquiry mode: 1. Enter idioms or partial queries directly. 2. Enter the first word query o
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