Literature City ( Android client. System support: Android 2.2 ~ Android 4.x The Literature City APP is synchronized with the Literature City website in real time, and we provide the latest Chinese hot news updates. Provide forum discussion forum and blog service for overseas Chin
APP contains a total of Qin, Han, Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Sui Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, Five Dynasties, Song, Jin, Yuan, Ming Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, a total of 3780 ancient poetry, covering the Tang, Song, Yuan, poetry , Chu, full Tang, Song and other classics whole, to help you lear
古典文学包含了经部-十三经,十三经注疏,史部-正史,地理,别杂史等,子部-诸子,道家,术数,兵家,兵家,科技,书法绘画,传习录-艺术,儒家,杂家,蒙学,释家,集部-总集,别集,戏曲,文论,小说-明清通俗小说,文言小说约500多部著作。此外还包括7000多篇短文,15000多则笑话。支持搜索,书签。明清小说列表: 红楼梦, 西游记, 三国演义, 水浒传, 官场现形记, 儒林外史, 孽海花, 东周列国志,
全世界唯一的一款基于人脑记忆规律和闭环记忆理念的智能汉字卡片应用,专门为会说中文但不会认字的身居海外的华裔子女量身定制,帮助小朋友们牢固持久的掌握常用的汉字,为有效的中文阅读能力打下扎实的基础,让孩子长大以后能够真正有能力去理解和参悟中华民族几千年的文化。 身居海外的华裔儿童由于缺乏充足的语境和学习动力,尽管父母花了很多力气教孩子中文,但是最终都只能达到一个能说但是无法读写的水平。最关键的问题还是字没有记牢,花了力气去记去写,但是一段时间不复习不使用就忘记了,以前的努力就会付诸东流。大家常用的纸质汉字卡片容易丢失,而且查找困难。家长或者老师也无法长期跟踪每个字的学习进度。孩子的汉字学习完全处
APP contains a total of Qin, Han, Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Sui Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, Five Dynasties, Song, Jin, Yuan, Ming Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, a total of 3780 ancient poetry, covering the Tang, Song, Yuan, poetry, Chu, full Tang, Song and other classics whole, to help you learn
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cBook 直讀中文 is a Chinese ONLY book APP. It can only read ebook .pdb and .updb files from site, ***於設定>下載內, 把下載預設目錄改至外置卡的目錄. *** No Longer support Android 1.5 1.5 users, please download 2.12.3 APK file by below link: 3.0.2 apk 檔: 2.1
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