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The driving test is easy to pass, and it is very easy to get the license! Use this book to get your driver's license! A must-have driving test study assistant for learning to drive! It is strongly recommended by driving schools, coaches, and certified students. The pass rate is high, and the test ce
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Help you easily transport pilot license theory test route through the Civil Aviation Authority of China! We are focused on aviation theory test learning software R & D team, our aviation theory test applications covering almost all major civil aviation authorities around the world. Notes application
A driving simulation software designed for test takers of driving school. A comprehensive restoration of the driving school test site allows candidates to practice and master driving skills better and more conveniently by using the software. The 3D driving test practice car includes video teaching,
The "Car Driver Self-study Course" summarizes the driver's grading standards and "vocational skill appraisal" in the "Technical Standards for the Transportation Industry" issued by the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Labor and Social Security on the basis of summarizing the experience
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A game software that assists driving test and training, through 3D simulation technology, creates a real test room for driving test, Obtaining a driver’s license is a painful and long process, and time, money, and spirit have to pay a great price. The driving test simulation is a teaching and test b
The 3D Driving Test Car is a simulated driving software designed for driving school candidates. All-round restoration of the driving school test site, allowing candidates to practice and master driving skills better and more easily by using the software. 3D driving test practice includes video teac
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In this game, the player will play the role of a truck driver, traversing the treacherous off-road terrain. With physics-based gameplay, players need to use the power and weight of the truck to their advantage as they pass each level. Many levels of the game, offroad truck driving will keep players
Melbourne Xintian Studio and Xuezhi Driving School jointly launched: Victoria Vicroads Chinese Driver's License Exam Question Bank, including: 1. There are 200 questions in the Chinese question bank of L brand traffic regulations. Each question has answers and coach comments to make it easier for yo
读中国名人传记收获经验和智慧,看华夏伟人传奇激励勇气和斗志。名人在未获得巨大成功之前都只是个普通人,追寻名人成长奋斗的足迹,能使我们真切地感悟他们成才、成功的秘诀! 你可以欣赏指点江山、叱咤风云的英雄伟人,探索一生、创造无限的科技精英,文采斐然、生花妙笔的文化巨擘,叩问生命、润泽心灵的思想家…… 你可以学习政治家的高瞻远瞩、博大胸怀,军事家的韬略智谋、指挥驾驭,艺术家的激情创造、灵感飞扬,宗教领袖的独特理念、献身精神,科学家的坚持真理、不懈探索…… 你可以发现伟大人物的成功之路虽有干条万条,但他们却拥有共同的秘诀:远大的理想和不懈的努力,敏锐的目光和果敢的行动,顽强的意志和坚定的决心……
老舍(1899年2月3日—1966年8月24日),男,原名舒庆春,字舍予,另有笔名絜青、鸿来、非我等。因为老舍生于阴历立春,父母为他取名“庆春”,大概含有庆贺春来、前景美好之意。上学后,自己更名为舒舍予,含有“舍弃自我”,亦即“忘我”的意思。 老舍多以城市平民生活为题材,爱憎分明,有强烈的正义感;他能纯熟地驾驭语言,运用北京话表现人物、描写事件,具有浓郁的地方色彩和强烈的生活气息:人物性格独特鲜明,细节真实,再加之文笔讽刺幽默,诙谐轻松,因而作品深受人民喜爱,成为中国现代杰出的作家、语言艺术大师。1951年,北京市人民政府授予他“人民艺术家”的称号。 老舍的作品尤以长篇小说著称,代表作有《