APP contains a total of Qin, Han, Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Sui Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, Five Dynasties, Song, Jin, Yuan, Ming Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, a total of 3780 ancient poetry, covering the Tang, Song, Yuan, poetry , Chu, full Tang, Song and other classics whole, to help you lear
APP contains a total of Qin, Han, Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Sui Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, Five Dynasties, Song, Jin, Yuan, Ming Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, a total of 3780 ancient poetry, covering the Tang, Song, Yuan, poetry, Chu, full Tang, Song and other classics whole, to help you learn
Over 1.6 million people have signed up for 2RedBeans. Of those, thousands have built meaningful relationships which have lead to hundreds of marriages over the years. HOW? 2RedBeans is the biggest and most active dating app for Chinese singles. We are the go-to destination for those who are lookin
A package of events featuring ancient China are waiting for you to experience: taking imperial examinations, being officials, holding wedding, going hunting and catching crickets, asking for fortune sticks, and farming etc. go find them yourself !
The completely offline Chinese ancient poetry app contains 332,875 poems. The application does not have network permissions and is completely offline.
菩提本無樹,明鏡亦非臺。 同是天涯淪落人,相逢何必曾相識! 曾經滄海難為水,除卻巫山不是雲。 願得一心人,白頭不相離。 山無陵,江水為竭。冬雷震震,夏雨雪。天地合,乃敢與君絕。 入我相思門,知我相思苦。 兩情若是久長時,又豈在朝朝暮暮。 抽刀斷水水更流,舉杯消愁愁更愁。 近水樓臺先得月,向陽花木易為春。 一騎紅塵妃子笑,無人知是荔枝來。 還君明珠雙淚垂,恨不相逢未嫁時。 這些膾炙人口的經典名句,你知道他們出自哪首古詩詞嗎?作者當時是有怎樣的創作背景?這些古詩詞對後世都有怎樣的影響? 如果您也有這些疑問,來下載『古詩詞名句賞析』APP吧,這個APP共收錄了近6000句古詩詞名句,並收錄了名句對
『诗经』是中国古代诗歌开端,最早的一部诗歌总集,收集了西周初年至春秋中叶(前11世纪至前6世纪)的诗歌,共311篇,其中6篇为笙诗,即只有标题,没有内容,称为笙诗六篇(南陔、白华、华黍、由康、崇伍、由仪),反映了周初至周晚期约五百年间的社会面貌。 『诗经』的作者佚名,绝大部分已经无法考证,传为尹吉甫采集、孔子编订。『诗经』在先秦时期称为『诗』,或取其整数称『诗三百』。西汉时被尊为儒家经典,始称『诗经』,并沿用至今。诗经在内容上分为『风』、『雅』、『颂』三个部分。『风』是周代各地的歌谣;『雅』是周人的正声雅乐,又分『小雅』和『大雅』;『颂』是周王庭和贵族宗庙祭祀的乐歌,又分为『周颂』、『鲁颂』和
菩提本无树,明镜亦非台。 同是天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识! 曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云。 愿得一心人,白头不相离。 山无陵,江水为竭。冬雷震震,夏雨雪。天地合,乃敢与君绝。 入我相思门,知我相思苦。 两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。 抽刀断水水更流,举杯消愁愁更愁。 近水楼台先得月,向阳花木易为春。 一骑红尘妃子笑,无人知是荔枝来。 还君明珠双泪垂,恨不相逢未嫁时。 这些脍炙人口的经典名句,你知道他们出自哪首古诗词吗?作者当时是有怎样的创作背景?这些古诗词对后世都有怎样的影响? 如果您也有这些疑问,来下载『古诗词名句赏析』APP吧,这个APP共收录了近6000句古诗词名句,并收录了名句对
Highly popular CM broadcasting! ! Crying puzzle game "Old goddess and jewel archer" The spectacular war of Zeus and the Devil Kronos of the gods To open the curtain. Can you notice the big mystery hidden in this epic? ■ "Old Goddess and Jewelry Shooter" Game Introduction --------------------------
If you're looking for a used car, Japan's largest car sensor used car app with the number of used cars posted! From over 500,000 used cars nationwide, You can rest assured that you will find the car that is right for you. Inquiries and phone calls to dealers are free! Feel free to contact us. If you
* Featured Poetry: selection of modern poetry, and continued to increase in * Simple and clean: no ads, minimalist style, quiet reading poetry * Switching effects: rain, movie stars ... with poetic interpretation * Subject resurfacing: a variety of distinctive theme * Poetry Collection: Encounter li
[True Jesus Church hymns] This is the True Jesus Church hymns album of new books, a total of 469. This APP can display lyrics and music playback. If you have any problems of implementation, error, or suggest new features, are very welcome your comments! May God give blessing to you! (English versi
The Wen Zhao Tan Gu Lun Jin Member APP facilitates members to read the content of this website and leave messages on mobile devices such as mobile phones, and to receive timely notifications of new program releases.
In order to carry forward Chinese culture, organize all kinds of Chinese historical masterpieces, including literature, poetry, novels, medicine, biographies, etc.; currently on the shelves: One Pillow, One Floor, Romance of Characters in the Seventy-two Dynasties, Twelfth Floor, Ten Tailed Turtles,
Three Hundred Tang Poems "is a very wide spread of Tang anthology, a collection of 77 poems, a total of 311, the number to the number of Du Fu poem more, there are 38, verse 29 Wang Wei, Li Bai's poem 27, verse 22 Li Shang-yin . Is the imitation of "Book of Songs" three hundred (311 total) to make,
ストレス社会をちょっぴり癒す、シュールな納豆育成ゲームです。 疲れた心に、納豆まぜまぜが栄養満点! ややナマイキだけど、わりと良いこと言う納豆と遊ぶと、ちょっぴり元気出るかもです♪ ■■■ストーリー■■■ あるところに、納豆にだけはなりたくない大豆がいました。 「味噌でも豆腐でも豆乳でもいいよ、納豆以外なら」 「だって、納豆ってクサイじゃん」 しかし運命とは残こくなもの。 よりにもよってこの大豆は、納豆になってしまったのです。 完全に気力をなくした納豆。 しかし食べられる直前、まぜまぜされる中で、 納豆の心に、ある変化が起き始めました・・・。 ■■■おいしい納豆の育成方法■■■
Features of this note: 1. There is an "introduction" at the beginning of each chapter, which introduces the origin of the chapter name, the background, and the outline of the content. 2. Each chapter of the Scripture is divided into relatively independent paragraphs according to the content, and a t
Currently the most complete: Chairman Mao's 131 poems, all poems are sorted by writing time. Some poems include English version. Mao Zedong was very nervous in his later years. What he never forgets every day is the question of whether the red country has changed color. You can see from his poems:
古典文学包含了经部-十三经,十三经注疏,史部-正史,地理,别杂史等,子部-诸子,道家,术数,兵家,兵家,科技,书法绘画,传习录-艺术,儒家,杂家,蒙学,释家,集部-总集,别集,戏曲,文论,小说-明清通俗小说,文言小说约500多部著作。此外还包括7000多篇短文,15000多则笑话。支持搜索,书签。明清小说列表: 红楼梦, 西游记, 三国演义, 水浒传, 官场现形记, 儒林外史, 孽海花, 东周列国志,
This application is a library of ancient Chinese books, in order to collect as many Chinese classical books as possible. With font scaling, bookmarks, comments, dictionary and listening to books (supporting Mandarin and Cantonese). At present, about 3 billion characters are collected in ancient book