Yunjian is a convenient application for reading and querying "Guangyun". Yunjian supports the display of rare characters. In the Yunjian, you can read the entire book of "Guangyun" to inquire about the medieval phonology status of each character, and you can also search. Rhyme search supports simpl
"乗換案内"は履歴とマルチ検索に特化したシンプルな乗換案内(路線検索)アプリです。 ▼履歴 検索する度に検索結果を自動で保存するので、電車が地下に入った時も、電波の悪い時も、いつでも以前の検索結果を見ることができます。 保存した結果は、履歴一覧から辿れるほか、ホームに「最後に見た経路」ショートカットを作成しておけば、ホームからもワンタッチで最後に見た経路を確認できます 検索時の駅名も履歴として保存され、次回以降に素早く入力できます。 なお、検索履歴は外部ストレージへ保存できますので、容量を気にする必要はありません(※設定が必要です) ▼マルチ検索 マルチ検索モードでは出発駅/到着駅を複
Light Novel Library ( A third-party public welfare app, a light novel reader with Material Design style, no ads, no profit, and the smallest installation package on the market, which started in 2014. If you want to use the search and favorite functions, please log in first! This ap
Sora Guidance is an application that displays weather forecasts for various parts of Japan based on weather information provided by the Japan Weather Association. ■ Features - Simple design just by registering the municipality - Easy-to-understand display of high and low temperatures in graph displ
The official application for the exchange of Driver's License in China, a full preparation for the exam, a variety of modes and detailed statistics will help pass the exam and get a driver's license in China! The only application that has all the questions for the exam, in 9 languages: English, Kor
Light Listening English is an English listening application, there are student parties, practical parties and English lovers here. They started by practicing listening, and later found that speaking, reading, writing and translation skills improved. ◉ Comprehensive study materials, each student par
This application is a library of ancient Chinese books, in order to collect as many Chinese classical books as possible. With font scaling, bookmarks, comments, dictionary and listening to books (supporting Mandarin and Cantonese). At present, about 3 billion characters are collected in ancient book
Completely free transfer guide app! You can use all functions for free, such as timetables and delay information for all over Japan, convenient boarding position and intermediate station information for transfer, commuter fare, walking route map, etc. ■Evolving transfer information "A station to
\8 million total downloads/ It is an app that has functions that make daily train movement and station use more convenient and comfortable. ■■■ Recommended functions ■■■ ・ Nationwide transfer information / route search (railway, bus, airplane, etc.) ・Notification of operation information ・Timeta
For all 13 lines of Toei and Tokyo Metro, It is an application that displays the optimal vehicle distance and duration of the transfer, the transfer. When you tap the map of the top top of the screen, route map of Tokyo Metro and Toei Subway is displayed. Map allows you to zoom, move freely. How t
■ Recommended points for the standard "Ekitan ★ Transfer Information" ■ ① Basic functions are free Not to mention transfer search, all basic functions are free, from train and bus timetables to operation information. ② Intuitive to use Just enter the station name and bus stop to search for t
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最新交通部公路總局發佈題庫,2020年適用。 ─台灣汽車駕照題庫 (含路考細部動作與扣分標準) Taiwan Car driver's license written test exam *最後更新日期:2020年02月14日 *獨家提供【語音朗讀題目】。支援語音朗讀系統(TTS),題庫列表,速讀,測驗,都可以使用語音朗讀,讓您用【聽】的也可以背熟題庫,加強記憶,讓您考照一點就通。 *獨家提供【路考評分表】,包含路考項目,測驗路線,扣分標準,細微動作與注意事項的詳細解說。 *獨家提供【題目有問題】功能,對題庫中的題目有任何問題,點選『有問題』按鈕,並寫下您的疑問,我們會有專人盡快回複
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古典文学包含了经部-十三经,十三经注疏,史部-正史,地理,别杂史等,子部-诸子,道家,术数,兵家,兵家,科技,书法绘画,传习录-艺术,儒家,杂家,蒙学,释家,集部-总集,别集,戏曲,文论,小说-明清通俗小说,文言小说约500多部著作。此外还包括7000多篇短文,15000多则笑话。支持搜索,书签。明清小说列表: 红楼梦, 西游记, 三国演义, 水浒传, 官场现形记, 儒林外史, 孽海花, 东周列国志,
MOOVO(運點科技股份有限公司)成立的初衷在為城市短途通勤提供一個高效率、綠色環保且可持續的替代方案。我們積極與地方政府、企業和社區針對城市長期的發展密切合作,以培育騎乘文化並提升城市便利生活。 MOOVO 團隊集結了一群對於未來城市有美麗想像的熱血年輕人,貢獻各自在全球市場營運、技術和城市科學的專長,共同規劃出適合現代社會的全新共享交通方案,更期待能對智慧城市交通服務的美麗願景做出貢獻。 千里之行,始於足下,MOOVO 希望能實現對於未來低碳、環保、美麗市容與智慧城市的願景。