《习近平江泽民生死对决》由禁书网编译出品。 习近平一定要把这个战役打完,习近平或把江泽民集团一锅端,如果不把他们都带上镣铐,关进监狱里头去;那么,江泽民、曾庆红这些人就会想办法把习近平的脑袋请下来。因为那些人都曾经是中共国家领导人,经营 了中共这么多年, 警察、 武警、国安部、 外联部、五毛水军等等党、政、军系统,都被他们渗透,钱都在他们手里头。 薄熙来、周永康拉徐才厚搞军事政变,这样的消息肯定准确。但他们仅仅是前台的政变人物,它们还有后台江泽民、曾庆红 。江泽民有很多馊主意都是曾庆红策划的。 美国副总统拜登把王立军给美大使馆的材料给了习近平,习近平知道暗算他的人表面上是周永康、薄熙来。
There are countless ideological and theoretical theories for the strong in the world. The teachings of the weak and the succumb to the strong are as vast as the sea. Only Chairman Mao’s thought speaks specifically for the innocent people who are bullied by the strong, and teaches the weak how to wea
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Hu Pai will soon be able to see Taiwan Mahjong where the cards are changed! ! ! Features of Taiwan 16 Mahjong Game: ☆Good brand and cool brand ☆Computer artificial intelligence with moderate difficulty! ☆The card face is clear and the ui is beautiful! ☆Real Taiwanese voice! For any comments or su
Mahjong 13 -- * Stand-alone version of the four-person mahjong, using the rules of the national standard mahjong 13 with the beauty of the human voice and the card tips, soft language crisp sounds intoxicating ~~ * Online version of the four-person mahjong, please call friends and call friends, avo
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There are four games in the game, namely East, South, West, and North. The first player in the door is the dealer, and the rest are players. The rest of the players rotate in a counterclockwise direction. The dealer's base is increased. If the dealer has four consecutive dealers, the dealer has to r
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Thirteen rules of Hong Kong style Mahjong. In addition to the classic 3 Fan and 1 Fan Hu, it also provides 7 good card gameplay, 23 Fan caps, and one can be up to 70,000 points. The game has card change props, and you can change any card in the hand and the city wall! Players can also play with thre
The authentic Cantonese mahjong game is here! JoyGames's "Authentic Cantonese Mahjong" is a stand-alone Cantonese mahjong game. It supports the Jipinghu rules and the rules of Cantonese toppling Hu Mahjong (new support for the toppling of Hu Daigui) rules. It is easy to enjoy the four-player Mahjong
[Beginning] Introduction to the game platform -This game uses [Cantonese dubbing], so it's very kind to play! -[Exciting Activities] A leisure activity tailor-made for Hong Kong players. -[Novice Mission] Take you to experience the fun of the game and get rewards for completing missions. -[Daily Mis
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Bored of classic mahjong games with no storyline? Keen on adventure games? Explore the world of fantasy mahjong matching tiles and help a little witch girl to rebuild & restore her parents’ mansion! This puzzle game of mahjong (also known as real mah jongg, chinese mahjong, majong, mahjongg, maj, m