Cineplus in the palm of your hand: download the Cineplus app and have all the updated information about the films, being able to buy your tickets, the best popcorn in town and other delights. You can also register with Meu Clube Cineplus and get exclusive benefits.
Download the app and rate the movies you're interested in, check out the popular movies and upcoming releases, you'll be able to rate any available movie with comments and your ratings, check out the rating from critics and app users
CinéPlus News is the app you need for movies, popular TV shows and celebrities. Follow what you want to watch with your favorite list and make a like of your movies and series you see. Watch trailers and more. Register for: · Add movies and TV series to your favorites list · Make a like of your mov
Application to Create Data, for the purchase and reservation of seats in the prestigious circuit Cinepark: Percent, Apollo Cineplus Ferrara and Comacchio. Multiplex equipped with the latest technology and high quality services. You can choose from the comfort of your seat map of salt and decide whet