Descarga la aplicación para ver el horario de el congreso, biografías de los oradores, mapas de el edificio, información importante a las actividades y descargar la música mas nueva de De Hombre a Hombre. Ademas recibirás las alertas importantes de cosas sucediendo durante el congreso.
Official APP of the 1st Argentine Virtual Congress of Sports Kinesiology, which will take place in the Virtual Mode from September 22 to 26, 2020. The App has the following characteristics: -General information about the event -The complete agenda and all the information associated with it -It allo
Application of the Alacero Annual Congresses.
Health Law has been proposed as an area of knowledge that promotes and encourages critical reflection on issues related to the concept of human health from the individual and the collective. The Ibero-American Network of Health Law is a strategy of technical cooperation between people and insti
I lived the congress through our App The AAPRESID Congress is the stage for innovation. Consolidated as the most outstanding knowledge event in agriculture in our country and a reference worldwide. In such a challenging context we reinvent ourselves with a new Aapresid Congress. Enter our platform a
I accessed all the updated information of the 4th Argentine Congress organized by the Argentine Society of Obesity Surgery (SACO). I received notifications and the latest news on your cell phone.
The congress is based on the recognition that the approach to contemporary socio-environmental problems and their possible responses require collective, inter- and transdisciplinary efforts at different levels. The configuration of the various sustainability must be conceived from different ontologi
Welcome to the official APP of the VI Congress of Agro-food Cooperatives of Andalusia. This event, which is held on April 12 and 13 in the city of Córdoba, is a unique opportunity to learn about the latest trends and innovations in the cooperative agri-food sector in Andalusia. Download our APP to
Always at your fingertips! All the shows (concerts, dance, theater, musicals ...) of the Palacio de Congresos de Granada at your fingertips. DO NOT MISS OR A SINGLE EVENT. Download the TuPalacio app for free and access the updated cultural and leisure offer. In addition, you can buy your tickets w
Official application and Scientific Program of the International Congress of Psychiatry - AAP (Argentine Association of Psychiatrists) Includes time grid, possibility to search by speaker, day / time, place, etc. You can also take notes, schedule and share on social networks.
Aplicación oficial y Programa Científico del XXI Congreso Argentino de Neuropsiquiatría y Neurociencia Cognitiva de la Asociación Neuropsiquiátrica Argentina - ANA 2019 Incluye grilla horaria, posibilidad de búsqueda por disertante, día/horario, lugar, etc. También se pueden tomar notas, agendar y
Application to pass the list to congresses and workshops APEHITAC
This is the official APP of the LXXXIV National Congress of Urology, held in Bilbao on 12, 13, 14 and 15 June 2019. From this application you have access to the Scientific Program of the Congress. The application updates its data automatically as the Scientific Program is completed. For this it is n
XXII National Congress of Family Business The National Congress of Family Business is one of the most recognized business forums in our country. For three days this event brings together leading politicians, businessmen and experts from the national and international scene, to disseminate best prac
Official APP of the Infectogía 2020 Congress to be held in the city of Punta Arenas, Magallanes Region, Chile from 03/31 to 04/03 2020 at Hotel Dreams. The App has the following features: -General information of the event -The complete agenda and all the information associated with it -Allows you t
Official App of the XLII Annual Congress and 1st Virtual Congress Ammvee 2021 which will be carried out 100% online from January 13 to 15, 2021 Access to sessions, Bio of Speakers, exhibitors and more Check the program and the sessions day by day find practical information about the congress See you
International Congress of Graphic Design Atenea. The thematic axis of the CIDGA will link the discipline of design with digital technology, addressing all the topics related to the areas of Systems Development, Printing Technologies, Creativity and Marketing in a global way. Athena Higher Technical
Nephrology Medical Congress 2019 Organized by All Verano Tours
Ven y conoce nuestra Parroquia (Nuestra Señora Del Sagrario) aquí encontrarás nuestro directorio, servicios, congresos, retiros, talleres, cursos de capacitación, información a agentes de pastoral, noticias y más...#Comunidad NSS.. #NSS
The official application of the 5th National Congress of Engineering of ITT3, where you can: - Consult in real time the information of the workshops and conferences of the 5th National Congress of Engineering. - Check your QR code for the roll call to scheduled workshops and conferences.