EasyPos është një aplikacion i çertifikuar nga DPT dhe AKSHI. Nëpërmjet easyPos, mund të lëshoni faturave fiskale, në përputhje me të gjitha specifikimet e parashikuara nga Ligji nr. 87/2019 dhe udhëzimet e tjera të lidhura me të. EasyPos mund të instalohet në çdo kompjuter, tabletë apo smartphone
Sales can be registered with this app.
Your stock can be obtained by serial number / barcode number and per branch. Your sales can be an affiliate, vendor, product group and retrieve brand.
self-ordering food menu, send orders directly to kitchen.
Introducing EasyPOS Smart POS Cashier version 1.0! This release includes essential features for a streamlined point of sale experience: Customers Management Suppliers Management Products Catalog Point of Sale (POS) Expense Tracking All Orders Management AI Generated Repo
Demo Restaurant tablet ordering system using Android
With this app the stock can be inventoried or an inter-filing booking can be made.
※ KICC EasyPOS Mobile Buy - The EasyPOS Mobile (Android) version. - So much the same order EasyPOS and terminal configuration screen does not require additional training. - Has been implemented most of the handset features EasyPOS order. - Existing Windows POS can be used instead of the cheap Androi
Quick and easy point of sale system to connect to a system that manages products, stock, prices and sales.
EasyPOS help your business grow easily
Sales reporting app connected to Easypos
Server to receive print jobs from FacturaScripts using the PrintTicket plugin. It allows printing from any point where the Print Ticket button is enabled. Allows printing from the POS plugin and the EasyPOS Plugin
Download it, hook onto the QR Code of your EasyAppear App and start scanning customer cards to load and download activities, points, prepaid and more! - Ability to monitor the location of the transaction - Possibility of printing from a Bluetooth thermal printer - Integration with Android Pos - Lim
EasyPos is an application developed by Softdreams Trading and Technology Investment Joint Stock Company. EasyPos is a mobile POS application that makes it easy for store owners to create and print retail invoices with wireless devices. POS device, manage revenue and expenditure, revenue, profit and
Retail & Hospitality POS System Australia At EasyPOS, we provide innovative applications for the hospitality and retail industries. Our solutions, which include software, top brands POS hardware, systems integration and unparalleled technical support, are serving clients Australia wide. Established
This is the mobile version of EasyPOS. You can view the merchant's same-day settlement history, same-day sales, date, month, payment method, card company, inventory status, deposit and withdrawal status from your mobile phone.
EasyPOS a simple Android Point Of Sales