Salal is an electronic application to arrange your basket and your food needs in quantities that are renewed monthly or at the specified time with a fixed subscription and you can modify the needs and what distinguishes Salal is the customer's convenience, its competitive prices and the speed of ser
„Tauragės radijas″ 98,2 FM - Lietuvos regioninių radijo stočių asociacijos narys, operatyviai ir kokybiškai patenkinantis pačius įvairiausius Tauragės, Šilalės, Pagėgių ir Jurbarko gyventojų informacinius ir muzikinius poreikius.
SILAL App is a channel between SILAL and Farmers. The SILAL App will be one of its kind of App provided by SILAL for the farming community in the region. SILAL aims at technology intensive transformation of agriculture and agribusiness in the region. This App will help the Farmer to establish a dire
النجباء الأقطاب الأوتاد اء لمراتب الله الدنيا. الإمام لال الدين السيوطي لاء لف ارهم ل ارهم، أحوالهم اتبهم، لهم اديثهم، لهم اً اهم ائارهم، ل بهم الجبابرة لال التوجّه لى الله الدعاء ليهم، احة الناس الخير لمن ل الحاً الناس الهاء الاء، الاء، الاء، الهؤا الاء، الهؤ اله الهاء، الهؤ اله اله ال . ا اتب لى ا
This game is designed to develop children's skills. The game consists of four small games in which you can develop spatial thinking, reaction, memory and general knowledge. The main goal of the game is to improve. The game was created together with the Šilalė District Municipality Public Library.
Augmented reality orientation game, during which you will visit the most beautiful places in Šilalė. Along the way, missions and tasks will be assigned by augmented reality book characters. The game works according to GPS coordinates and only in Šilalė. The development of the game is financed by the
The application was created during the implementation of the project "Creating an anti-corruption environment in Šilalė district municipality". Its purpose is to promote the prevention of corruption. During the game, you will need to answer 8 simple questions and thus check how you should act if you
Hakeemi Herbs Dasi Herbs Properties Book Indigenous Herbs Properties Book مفرادات حکیمی دیسی جڑی بوٹیوں کے خواص حکمت کی کتابیں حکیمی نسخے کتاب الفرادات طب زرنیخ احمر. منقیٰ. مویز ملیم. منڈوا. گل منڈی. منڈی. گورکھ منڈی. عرق منڈی مکئی. چھلی. ملائی دودھ کی. ملٹھی. اصل السوس مکھانا.پھل مکھا
Al-Silal Cash is one of the electronic payment applications that is designed with the latest software technologies to work on executing operations in the least possible time and effort. The application increases the profits of customers and provides the possibility to calculate these profits through