一機在手 行動隨我 讓你全天候24小時,交易理財隨時掌握在你手中。 全新操作動線 全新服務體驗 全新功能: ■ 線上換匯:線上超「優」匯 -外幣平均成本:掌握成本,讓你輕鬆掌握買賣時機 -定期定額換匯:多種幣別,自由選擇扣款頻率 -換匯優惠:不限交易金額,享有外幣優惠加減碼(分) ■ 生活繳費: -多元繳費項目:水費、電費、學費、電信費,通通不用出門都能繳 -掃碼繳費:帳單隨時都能快速便利完成繳費 基本功能: ■ 快速登入:指紋、臉部辨識一秒快速登入 ■ 帳戶總覽:帳務資訊一頁到位一目瞭然 ■ 即時轉帳:簡單收付,一指搞定 ■ QR Code轉帳:轉帳不用輸入帳號
Bank anytime, anywhere and manage your finances with the Dah Sing Bank Mobile App, which makes banking enjoyable for you! • Fund Transfers – Register payees and set your daily transfer limit in one go during fund transfers • Transfer and Payment history – One touch to view your transfer and payment
●Banking My Way 隨你數位,中國信託銀行【Home Bank APP】特色功能介紹 ●中國信託銀行【Home Bank APP】24小時隨身帶著走,不論轉帳、繳費、理財、信用卡&貸款服務,一手掌握超方便! 【My Way數位會員全新登場】 所有人都可輕鬆加入My Way數位會員,享有專屬優惠與累積My Way點數,數位交易越多累積越多,點數還可兌換豐富好禮! 【免記密碼,快速登入】 ●利用指紋、臉部和圖形認證,就可快速通關,揮別記不住帳號密碼的日子。 【生活優惠,上百檔優惠隨選隨用】 ●刷卡優惠、電子優惠券共上百檔優惠隨選隨用。 ●優惠券帶著走,點開Home Bank AP
「華南銀行 行動銀行」提供您一個多元、安全及便利的隨身金融服務,讓您在不受時間、地點的限制下,登入行動銀行享受便捷的金融服務!! ※只要您是華南銀行網路銀行客戶,即可使用網路銀行簽入代號及密碼,登入行動銀行。如您是第一次登入行動銀行,須線上完成第一次開通程序。 ※帳務查詢:臺幣/外幣存款餘額總覽、臺外幣活存明細查詢、交換票據扣帳失敗查詢、貸款餘額查詢、信用卡消費明細查詢等。 ※轉帳服務:臺幣即時/預約轉帳(包括約定/非約定)、預約轉帳查詢/取消、臺幣常用轉入帳號查詢/新增/修改、交易安控機制變更等。 ※信用卡服務:信用卡/簽帳金融卡總覽、近3期信用卡/簽帳金融卡帳單查詢、線上繳付本行信用卡/
我們用心傾聽你的聲音,提供專屬於你的個人化功能 【富邦行動銀行5.0】 ◆我的銀幕我作主:免登速查超省力 ◆我的最愛再升級:常用服務一鍵速達 ◆邦你記:記的不是帳 而是你的生活點滴 ◆邦你存:存的不是錢 而是你的幸福回憶 ◆e家付:e家付 富一家 灌溉孩子的未來 【好用推薦】 ◆奈米投:智能理財夯!100美元就能佈局全球ETF!國外專家量身打造投資計畫,隨時掌握市場趨勢,自動調整投資組合,24小時線上服務全年無休! ◆快速搜尋:如何在茫茫大海中找到你需要的功能?好用的快速搜尋框讓你一鍵立馬找到服務。 ◆快速登入:誰說登入一定要輸入落落長的資訊!綁定行動裝置後,登入只要刷
Commercial Bank App is your personal financial advocate. It’s fast, secure and makes life easier by empowering you with the tools you need to manage your finances. Here’s what else you can do with Commercial Bank App: Keep your transactions organized by allowing you to add tags, notes, and photos
Commercial Bank and Trust is your digital banking solution. It’s fast, secure and makes life easier by empowering you with the tools you need to manage your finances. Here’s what you can do with Commercial Bank and Trust: · Keep your transactions organized by allowing you to add tags, notes a
The Commercial Bank KS App is a free mobile decision-support tool that gives you the ability to aggregate all of your financial accounts, including accounts from other financial institutions, into a single, up-to-the-minute view so you can stay organized and make smarter financial decisions. It is f
Start banking wherever you are with Commercial National Bank Mobile Banking app. Available to all Commercial National Bank of Texarkana online banking customers. Available features include: Accounts: •Check your latest account balance and search recent transactions by date, amount, or check number
Start banking wherever you are with The Commercial Bank app. Available to all The Commercial Bank online banking customers. Available features include: Accounts: •Check your latest account balance and search recent transactions by date, amount, or check number. Transfers: •Easily transfer cash be
With First Commercial Bank's mobile banking application, your business just got more personal! Manage your finances wherever you are with your mobile device. Check balances, pay bills, transfer funds, and more!
Start banking wherever you are with Commercial Bank and Trust Company Mobile app. Available to all Commercial Bank and Trust Company online banking customers. Available features include: Accounts: • Check your latest account balance and search recent transactions by date, amount, or check number.
Start banking wherever you are with the new Commercial Bank Stl! Available to all Commercial Bank online banking customers. Commercial Bank Stl provides the same great features with an updated user experience. Commercial Bank Stl allows you to check balances, make transfers, pay bills, and make depo
Start banking wherever you are with Merchants Commercial Bank Mobile for iPad and iPhone! Available to all Merchants Commercial Bank online banking customers, Merchants Commercial Bank Mobile allows you to check balances, make transfers, pay bills and make deposits. Available features include: Acc
Start banking wherever you are with First Farmers and Commercial Bank Mobile app. Available to all First Farmers and Commercial Bank online banking customers. Available features include: Accounts: •Check your latest account balance and search recent transactions by date, amount, or check number.
【玉山行動銀行的三大特色】 快速登入好便利/直覺設計好上手/豐富功能好好用 一、快速登入:可透過簡易密碼、Touch ID/Face ID快速登入,省時又便利。 二、直覺設計:圖形化資訊,帳務狀況一目瞭然,並可依個人需求編排首頁頁面。 三、豐富功能:提供存款、信用卡、貸款等多元服務,滿足您各種查詢或交易需求。 【功能服務】 *帳務服務:包括無卡提款、台外幣存款帳務查詢、轉帳功能、外幣交易、基金申購贖回、貸款資訊等功能。 *信用卡服務:包括帳單查詢、刷卡明細、消費分析、繳本行及他行卡費、優惠資訊、各項信用卡服務申請等功能。 *繳費服務:包括水費、電信費、交通費、本行或他行信用卡費、貸款等。 *
Commercial Bank & Trust of PA's FREE Mobile Banking Application - optimized for iPhone and iPad devices.* FEATURES: • Review account balances and transactions • Transfer funds between accounts • Pay bills** • Locate surcharge-free ATMs and CB&T PA branches SAFE AND SECURE Commercial Bank & Trust
Now you can manage your money anytime, anywhere, 24/7 from your mobile device. With Chino Commercial Bank FREE mobile app you can conveniently and securely: • Check your account balances and activity • View recent transactions • Transfer money between your accounts and to other people • Pay bills
【永豐行動銀行APP】遵循經濟部工業局「行動應用App基本資安規範」,獲頒行動應用資安聯盟資安標章(MAS標章)。 為了讓您隨時隨地享受行動金融所帶來的便利性,永豐銀行提供多元的查詢與交易功能,只要輕點手機,帳戶查詢、轉帳繳款、智能理財、隨心所預。 特色功能: 【快速登入,輕鬆使用】 ● 生物辨識:支援Touch ID/Face ID快速登入,省時又便利。 ● 圖形密碼:手指一滑就登入,還可以隱藏軌跡,再也不用記密碼。 【創新服務,優質體驗】 ● 語音指令:將複雜操作轉化為簡單語音指令,行動金融服務用「說」的真容易。 ● 功能搜尋:關鍵字搜尋幫助您更快速的尋找服務,節省時間好方便。 ●
Security at your fingertips • Log in with your credentials for digital services at usbank.com. Don’t have online access? Enroll with the app. • Be alerted to duplicate charges, suspicious activity, and low balances. Manage accounts and cards • View accounts & balances in one spot: checking, sav