Imagine you turn your daily cycle & run into a game! Activy motivates you to healthy physical activities more often. Track routes with GPS, earn points, start in an open challenge or create an office game for your collegues Have fun and build a healthy habit of regular running and cycling, especial
"Join us now for the UNICEF HK “Discover, for every child” – Virtual Run – make running a meaningful activity – and most importantly, your donation can help give equal chance to every child to learn. Net proceeds from this event will be contributed to UNICEF Reimagine Education initiative. HOW I
An Investment Diary to track, rate and monitor all investment decisions and contacts. Track information by who make Contact, what Activies happend how you felt about the contact. He even created a "Happiness" scale so you can remeber your feelings at the time. The app also provides voice to text tra
Runners Club este o aplicație pentru alergători și viitori alergători. Este simplă, prietenoasă și cuprinde informații și facilități care te ajută în parcursul tău de sportiv amator, împachetate într-un design curat. Ești la curent acum cu toate evenimentele de alergare organizate de Runners Club, t
We created this app to help our daughter Emma read better in school and is meant to be used by teachers in class or parents at home. Featuring over 1200 Words to learn from with a clutter-free, simplistic design to keep the students focus on the learning of the words. ACTIVIES 1) Word List : a
BT Go, noua experienta de banking business! BT Go este cel mai nou produs de internet și mobile banking al Băncii Transilvania dedicate doar companiilor (persoane juridice si persoane fizice autorizate) și reprezintă o nouă abordare în ceea ce privește armonizarea serviciilor bancare și de business
Scale-Up 1000 si-a deschis portile! "Miscarea in care cream 1000 de antreprenori milionari in Romania e aici!" Detalii: Cristian Onetiu - Antreprenor | Autor | Business | Mentor si-a asumat responsabilitatea de a sustine orice antreprenor asumat sa isi duca afacerea la urmatorul nive
Photo based day planner, designed especially for people with special needs. Take photos of daily activies and arrange them, in order to plan and show what will happen today, which activity is starting, and which activity just ended.