عين أكبر منصة محتوى سمعي ومرئي في سلطنة عُمان تحت إشراف وزارة الإعلام، تضم حزمة متنوعة ومتجددة من البرامج والمسلسلات ومحتوى خاص وحصري لمتابعي المنصة. تمكنكم عين من التمتع بمجموعة متنوعة من الخدمات والمزايا التقنية مثل: - خدمة البث المباشر -خدمة الفيديو حسب الطلب -خدمة تحميل المحتوى ومشاهدته بدون الإ
The Ayn Rand University mobile app is the most recent evolution of ARI Campus—the online learning platform developed by the Ayn Rand Institute to provide courses on Ayn Rand’s works and ideas for free to anyone around the world. 1,000 IDEAS IN YOUR POCKET The new mobile app features all the course
Choose from still and animated emoji stickers to send to your family and friends all from iMessage! Download today!
Al-Ayn Social Care Foundation provides comprehensive care and support to thousands of orphaned children in Iraq, providing them with the tools and opportunities they need to overcome their circumstances and achieve their potential. Through this app you can donate in just a few steps to providing ca
مؤسسة العين للرعاية الاجتماعية تحضى بشرف مباركة ومأذونية سماحة المرجع الديني الاعلى السيد علي الحسيني السيستاني (دام ظله الوارف) منذ عام ( 1428هـ -2007 م ) والى يومنا هذا وهي معنية برعاية وكفالة اليتامى ، يسرنا إعلامكم بأنه تم إنشاء تطبيق للسادة الكفلاء في مؤسسة العين على أجهزة الهاتف المحمول، يتي
An award-winning platform on a mission to map out cities in augmented reality so that users can point their phones towards any entity and interact with each in its own customizable interface.
Karox eq gushakel nkar@ ete cheq tesnum ayn amboxjutyamb? Nkar@ cackvac e vandaknerov, sexmelov vandakneri vra duq kheracneq ayd vandak@ ev ktesneq nkaric aveli shat hatvacner: Ete djvaranum eq patasxanel, karox eq ogtvel hushman hnaravorutyunneric: Amen chisht patasxanelu dimac trvum e almazner, vo
Al-Ayn Social Care Foundation Canada provides comprehensive care and support to thousands of orphaned children around the world, providing them with the tools and opportunities they need to overcome their circumstances and achieve their potential. Through this app you can donate in just a few easy
Anthem, Ayn Rand's classic dystopian adventure, is set in a world where the collective rules with an iron fist, and how one man rediscovers the fundamentals of being an individual. This is a Live Novel. It is an interactive novel written by a real author. A Live Novel does not have multiple endings
The easiest way to shop your groceries and have them delivered to your doorstep in about 60 or 90 minutes average time depending on your location & situation. We offer a convenient and seamless grocery shopping experience Online from any where anytime. Ayn online store is made for all those who lo
The world of Ze_RO!Ayns app is part of a performance in public space, taking place on the 30th and 31st of August and 1st of September 2022, in Vienna, Austria. With the app the visitor can explore 7 virtual stages by triggering the flags created for the performance. The virtual scenographies are pl
The app to bring together the AYNE community, to allow for more meaningful news, views and interaction around sport, the industry, and investing in sports assets. All done with personality, authenticity and honesty.