View and manage your accounts • Get an overview of all your BBK accounts • Review your account activities and add custom descriptions • Set a favorite account and assign your own description or name to your accounts • View and download your statements • Request cheque books for current accounts
BBK Queue app is an application that allows you to take a virtual ticket prior to arriving to BBK Financial Malls and branches. You can book an appointment with a Customer Service Representative or a Teller. BBK Queue reduces waiting time for customers and optimizes the level of service provided at
Trending news, celebrity gossip, quizzes, memes, gifs, videos and more. Exactly what you've been searching for. Fun way to stay connected to everything you care about. Sports, music, more.
BBK BanKey web-based Cash Management platform designed for business entities. BBK BanKey Mobile Application is an extension of BBK BanKey web-version that provides you real time access to your business accounts, loan accounts, fixed deposits and corporate cards while allowing for approval and relea
This Mobile App allows you to view account information, balances and easily contact your advisor. Financial planning is more than investment advice. Use this app to make thoughtful and intelligent decisions to simplify your life.
BBKPLUS Mobile Application allows you to open accounts conveniently and securely while on the go. It is available for BBK customers and non-BBK customers residing in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Enjoy the following services from BBKPLUS Mobile App: • Free of charge • Fast and convenient: Allows you to o
Die Warn-App NINA (Notfall-Informations- und Nachrichten-App) warnt Sie deutschlandweit vor Gefahren, auf Wunsch auch für Ihren aktuellen Standort. Bei Fragen oder Problemen stehen wir Ihnen unter gerne zur Verfügung. Technischer Ausgangspunkt für NINA ist das modulare Warnsystem d
Create an emergency stockpile based on the recommendations of the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK). The Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) recommends every citizen to stock up sufficiently to be prepared for unexpected disasters. Stock
Order your favourite food from BBK Largs with just a tap! Enjoy the easiest and fastest method of ordering delicious food with our very own online app! Special Features: - Make ordering food a whole lot easier by downloading our app! Pick from our menu with ease, order, and pay online or in cash!
BBK ONE CLIENT permite a los clientes de BBK ONE tener un control completo sobre el estado de tus campañas de branding. Nuestra aplicación te permite visualizar fácilmente el progreso de tus campañas. Mantente actualizado en tiempo real y maximiza el impacto de tu marca. Descarga BBK ONE Clients hoy
‘BBK Business’ provides a full digital onboarding experience for new and existing corporate customers, where local corporates can open multiple accounts with different currencies and apply for the corporate financial services offered by the BBK Group. Eligibility criteria: - Only local companies w
BBK Mobile Banking Application Allow User to perform following functionality to it's user. - Device Binding - Balance Enquiry - Mini Statement - Account Summary - Card Management 1.Block 2.Unblock 3.Temporary Block 4.Debit card Limit. - Fund transfer 1.Quick transfer. 2.Transfer within bank. 3
㈜후이즈시스템이 직접 개발하고 후이즈그룹 임직원이 직접사용하며 개선해오면서 실무 중심의 그리고 구성원 간의 협업과 원할한 정보공유를 체계적으로 도와줄 수 있는 그룹웨어 솔루션서입니다. 업무처리는 신속하게, 업무관리는 스마트하게, 커뮤니케이션은 젠틀하게, 기업과 함께 만들어갑니다. * 주요기능 - 모바일 원 클릭 전자결재 조회 및 승인 - 모바일 전자결재, 업무공유, 특별보고 푸쉬 알림 - 모바일 메일, 일정관리 - 모바일 근태관리 - 모바일 직원검색
BBK TRADE (GTN) is a cutting edge online trading app that will simply keep the diligent and mobile trader, in touch with the ever changing financial markets. The real-time quotes feature comes with buy and sell stocks on the go option. News, announcements, and trading advices will assist the trader
BBK have a new app to help you with your financial needs. You can use this app to upload invoices and expenses related to your company with a click of a button! We also have different features embedded that allow you to explore more about BBK and the services we offer. Please note that the back