BWW’s premier all-inclusive BSM App. Users have the ability to STREAM and SHARE audios, videos, literature and presentations from their mobile devices. Sharing media with candidates through text or email, tracking progress and follow up with sharing additional media are some of the highlights. Simp
** Note: Only for Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement Seafarers.** Now get all the details you need on your smartphone! Please send in your feedback. More updates are on the way!
BSM Mobile è il nuovo servizio gratuito di Banca di San Marino che ti permette di avere la tua Banca sempre a disposizione, 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7, risparmiando tempo e denaro! Il servizio è completamente gratuito per tutti i correntisti di Banca di San Marino. Con BSM Mobile puoi visualizzare
The Bosch Security Manager (BSM) mobile app gives you control over your Bosch B and G Series intrusion panels remotely from your mobile device. With system management at your fingertips, you can control all aspects of your intrusion system, including the ability to add, edit and delete panel users.
Stay Connected! The Amway Pulse allows you to stay connected and receive the latest in Accreditation Plus and BSM updates. Push notifications will alert you when new content is available. This communications platform will ensure you finger is always on The Amway Pulse.
Coupa Inspire Americas 2022 - Coupa's Annual Business Spend Management event. United by the Power of Spend No matter where you are on your BSM transformation journey, join us at Inspire Americas 2022 to Be Engaged, Be Energized, and Be Empowered. Learn from the industry’s top thought leaders how to
No BSM is a cutting-edge software as a service (SaaS) and marketing agency that empowers businesses to take control of their online presence and grow their revenue. Our powerful web and mobile app, built on the Go High Level platform, offers a wide range of features and tools designed to streamline
BSM Player Profile Allows badminton players from around the UK to connect with each other, View the latest information and get alerts for local tournaments and events in the badminton world. user can also view player profiles and get informations on ranking and tournament history, Can also find ther
Maakt jouw club gebruik van VoetbalAssist? Dan kun je deze app gebruiken om het laatste nieuws, afgelastingen, programma en meer te bekijken van je favoriete team. 't Knooppunt Achterbroek VV ACV Assen AD '69 ADO'20 Altior Arkel ASC asc Waterwijk ASV '57 ASV Victoria Boys ATC'65 Austerlitz AZ 2000
QDMS is an efficient centralized system for management and maintenance of different documentation from teams including safety management manuals, quality management manuals, technical documents, rules and regulations etc. on shore and at sea.
BSM eXtrack is a fully digitalized app/portal to record and submit expense claims on the go. The elegant and user-friendly interface makes the claims submission process an effortless and seamless experience. Approvers and threshold amounts for auto-approval are configurable. The approval process for
BSM Alumni, un espacio para estar al día de las últimas tendencias y actualizar tu conocimiento y competencias. Una comunidad en la que además podrás conectar con profesionales de múltiples campos y compartir oportunidades profesionales y personales. Sumérgete en el ecosistema de talento de la UPF B
LiveFleet, the Schulte Group's ship management reporting platform is now available on your mobile device! With LiveFleet mobile, you can keep an eye on your fleet, even on the go. Monitor your vessels: See your vessel’s current position, past track and upcoming activities, along with all the essent
The complete tool for inspections and vessel audits. With the advanced app, vessel audits and reviews are made much comfortable, with recorded audio comments, photos and scores.
Approval app is an application designed for PAL users to receive Performance Alerts. The user receives up-to-date notifications online. Technical alerts possess certain parameters which have thresholds. Once the threshold limit is exceeded, an alert is generated which will be notified as Performance
The BSM app hosts info about future and past events, with an interactive area to learn more about Hinduism. Find all the temple's updates, media outlets, Live-streams, Podcasts, Playlists, and more by downloading today!
The Approval App is specifically created for office users to promptly approve requests within various smartPAL modules throughout the approval process. The use of real-time push notifications helps to decrease the time taken to respond, ensuring quick action. Furthermore, it serves as a platform to
La aplicación de la UPF-BSM está diseñada para el uso interno del personal de UPF-BSM. Su uso se limita a la validación de asistentes a exámenes y graduaciones. Los alumnos e invitados solo necesitarán presentar su tarjeta de acceso mostrando el código QR asociado. La aplicación comprobará la valid