AirChina is China’s only national flag carrier which offers not only commercial flights for the traveling public, but also special flights for Chinese top leaders on their official visit to foreign countries. It is also a Star Alliance member carrier. It boasts 298 routes, serving 154 cities in 31
This is China's best metro app. 1. Fully up-to-date for 2023 Accurate metro map and metro information. 2. Route-planner A really easy route-planner. Get route, time and fare information. 3. Work offline Internet connection is not required. 4. 11 Language English, 简体中文, 繁體中文, 日本語, 한국어, Русский, F
Electronics Toolkit is a helpful app with dozens of tools, calculators and references made for electronic engineers, students and hobbyists. Features: Calculators: • Resistor color codes - calculate the resistance of resistors by selecting the colors of the bands • SMD resistor codes - calculate
The Digi-Key app gives you instant access to one of the world’s largest inventories of in-stock electronic components. Find and order the parts and technologies you need for your design whether you’re at work, home, or on the go! Features: • NEW! Use Visual Search to take a picture of a part and se
Established in 2001, Eureka developed to become a trend setter and a leading Megastore Retailer in Kuwait in the Electronics and Multimedia business segment. Eureka Concept is based on the realization of the regional and global shift in the shopping habits and trend that favors Mega Stores, product
REAL DRUM lets you experience the true drumming experience in any style! A free, fun, user-friendly app! Download it now and enjoy! How does REAL DRUM work? The app transforms your phone/tablet screen into a lifelike simulation of a drum kit. Watch as your fingertips magically transform into drums
【产品简介】 学英语最重要的是什么?当然是练习听力啦!那么,练听力就必须得用到一个好用的软件—省心英语听力。它有很多免费的资源可以供我们学习,不管是雅思、托福还是四六级,真题,美剧,电影,音乐和 VOA都有。而且这些资源还能根据你的实际情况来调节播放速度哦。简直是给你量身定做的一个宝藏软件啊!简直太棒了啊~我在这个软件上学习了很久了呢!不得不说它真的超级良心呢! 省心英语听力还有很多其他栏目哦~里面有关于四六级考试和雅思考试相关内容哦~真的很适合我这种想要准备考试但是又不想下载太多资源浪费时间的学生党啦~这个栏目里面有各种各样关于英语学习的资料哦,比如考研英语、单词书、语法书等等。 而且它里面
Chinese Chess is a strategy board game for two players.It is one of the most popular board games in China, and is in the same family as Western (or international) chess, chaturanga, shogi, Indian chess and janggi. Besides China and areas with significant ethnic Chinese communities, xiangqi is also a
Peça a sua comida chinesa favorita com o aplicativo do China in Box Delivery! O China in Box é a maior rede de culinária Chinesa do Brasil com mais de 146 lojas espalhadas por todo país. Encontre tudo o que você deseja no cardápio do China in Box. Peça nosso Yakisoba, Macarrão Oriental, Rolinho
The South China Morning Post (SCMP) has been the most authoritative voice reporting on China and Asia for more than a century. As Hong Kong’s English-language newspaper of record, our international team of Asia experts, reporters, journalists, photographers and filmmakers are dedicated to providing
TruckX is the best ELD for Owner Operators and Small Fleets! Trusted by over 50,000 drivers and FMCSA Approved. Manage your HOS logs on your phone. Transfer ELD logs to DOT's eRODS system or Print/View at a roadside inspection in spotty or offline mode. MANAGE YOUR LOGBOOK ELECTRONICALLY Say goodb
Electronics is a powerful all-in-one toolkit for engineers, hobbyists and anyone interested in electronics. Supports Apple Watch! Now you can calculate 4 band resistors, inductors and view chip pin outs right on your wrist. More to come soon! The simple and easy to use interface ensures you get t
Classic Drum is a quick way to practice and learn drums on your phone/tablet. Now you can play any song anywhere! Feel your fingers turning into drumsticks. Excellent for those who are passionate about instruments and music! From the same creator of Real Drum New kits every week! More than 100 kit
DiDi is a ride-hailing app that makes travel in China quick and easy. With DiDi you can catch/get a ride with a tap of your finger within minutes. Our full English interface, 24/7 in-app English customer service, and presence in over 400 cities across China makes us the most reliable and convenient
MyChinaTaxi is a China taxi app, it is for English speaking world wide clients, Japanese, Korean, German, French, Russian speaking clients, and will help Chinese use hailing car services world wide in future. Mychinataxi is for traveller who really want a good quality ride but still competitive in p
About SC Mobile: The new and improved SC mobile app offers a fast, secure, and user-friendly mobile banking experience, designed to take care of its customers banking needs on the Go anytime, anywhere! Indulge in effortless app interface to get alerts, quick access to products, accounts management,
Hey, how about learning to play the piano in a super easy way? With Real Piano on your phone or tablet, you can feel like you're playing a real piano! Download it now and make your dream of being a musician come true, regardless of the music style you like! Real Piano is an amazing app that simulat
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Experience and discover electronic music in a better way: DI.FM is a 100% human-curated electronic music platform, designed to satisfy all of your listening cravings. With the abundance of the world’s music just a few taps away, finding the right tunes to play can feel like a challenge. Join DI
MADA IN CHINA | High End Designers Store The official app for Brands like 13 De Marzo, Herlian, Lost In Echo, Andrea Martin, SMFK, Charlie Luciano, MAYHEM, Three Quarters, xVessel are available in MADA IN CHINA