Kaveri is a designer label based out of Chennai, India. It is India's only 100% linen designer label. Browse through our range of linen tops, tunics, coords, dresses and more. Experience everyday beautiful, with linen.
Fast & Accurate! Convert Coordinates (Latitude and Longitude ) between Decimal Degrees, Degree Minutes and Degree Minute Seconds format. Pick your Location from Map & Convert if Coordinate is not known. Also view Converted Co-ordinate & Address on map. Copy Converted Coordinate to paste in notes et
Convert GPS coordinates to map coordinates in a twinkling Never get lost again! With GeoPosition you know always exactly where you are. Within a second you convert GPS coordinates received by your iPhone to popular map projection coordinate systems like UTM/UPS, Mercator, Gauss/Krüger, MGRS, GGRS87
This app is a simple calculator for coordinates and time. The app is easy to use because it specializes in the calculation of the coordinates and the time. Therefore if you tap a button once, can convert degrees-minutes-seconds into seconds and can reverse convert. Moreover, if you tap a computati
This app helps to quick share users location.
- This tool allows you to obtain the exact coords of a finger touch on your mobile screen. - You can see the coords of X and Y of the screen. - "Get the location of your clicks."
UTM RD Rijksdriehoek GPS converter tool powered by GPScoordinates.eu This app is equal to the free GPS coordinates converter tool powered by GPScoordinates.eu, extended with following functions: - UTM coordinates input and results - RD Rijksdriehoek coordinates input and results - Specific app key
Prayer Times based on Najaf.org for London. For other locations use Coords for Calc using.. which will retrieve your locations sunrise and sunset times and calculate the prayer times. There are different calculations for more northern countries such as Norway due to the longer days during summer. Se