5* reviews, thousands of downloads and the #1 Kids app in 20 countries - Roald Dahl’s Twit or Miss is disgustingly FUN! Flick Mr Twit’s food away from Mrs Twit to score points and discover trick shots. Every time Mr Twit eats, foulsome food flies towards Mrs Twit who is trying to sleep. Score by
Get your own back on THE TWITS! In 3D for the first time ever! Poke Mrs Twit's glass eye, feed Mr Twit worms and play tricks to unlock mini games. Beware! Don't make the Twits too mad or things could get ugly – well, uglier . . . Explore the Twits’ house, including the filthy kitchen, Mr Twit’s sh
Garbage and recycling schedules and reminders for Dahl Disposal Service. View your garbage and recycling schedule and receive collection notifications all from within this app.
At Rum Kitchen we try to honour the essence of carnival. We don’t simply take an order, do a check back and wave our guests goodbye – we take them on a journey. We believe rum cocktails can make anyone dance, jerk BBQ is the tastiest way to cook food and our amazing DJ’s help bring the carnival sou
Finding your dream home in Santa Barbara has never been easier! With all the latest inventory directly from the MLS and constant updates the Tim Dahl Real Estate App puts you in control of your home search. Feel free to use this app for all your real estate needs. Find your dream home with my full H
There comes a TV Remote Control which works with both TV and Box Player. It is not only a universal TV remote control but also a TV Cast App. Features: Universal TV remote control for TV Support all the Hot channel Suitable for steamer player or box Popular function with screen mirror Wireless mobi
This is the manager-app for the RK006 Master Hub. Not only is it an interface with 10 separate output ports and two inputs, It can also operate standalone: Even without a DAW, the RK006 can still host, connect and merge multiple MIDI/USBMIDI devices. This app is an iOS port from the online webMIDI
Use this application to manage the settings of your Retrokits RK-004. Just connect an audio cable between the headphone output of your iOS device and the RK-004's sync input. Now you're ready to go!
The science of strength training made simple by Performance PT and Nutrition Coach, Rennison Williams. Apple Health App Integration: Using this app with the Apple Health app on iPhone empowers you to better manage your health and fitness.
RKMedia 라디오코리아의 다양한 정보와 앱들을 손쉽게 이용할수있는 앱. 미주생활의 길잡이 RKMedia 앱을 다운받아 편리하게 이용하세요.
App 3.0 for our new RK and RT models. Now you can interact with your RK and RT mower, take full control of your lawn and access all the latest updates, items and settings in a single swipe! * Stay updated * -- Get a quick summary of mower’s state, the next planned operation and the history of re
7000 여권의 원서별 단어학습을 무제한적으로 할 수 있는 영어단어 앱을 다운로드 받으세요! ■ 200종 이상의 시리즈별로 총 7000권 이상의 원서별 단어 학습 서비스를 제공합니다. ■ 현재 앱에는 Usborne, Roald Dahl, Nate the Great, Arthur, Disney 등 챕터북과 리더스로 부터 1984등 고전명작과 해피포터와 같은 베스트셀러 그리고 뉴베리 수상작까지 국내에서 인기있는 원서 시리즈가 총 망라되어 서비스되고 있습니다. ■ 국내에서 가장 많이 읽히는 원서로부터 핵심단어들을 추출하여 원서 개
First Armenian Finger Spinner, With Armenian Flag,Gerb,Soldier,Gerb,Henrik Mkhitaryan,and Hff Logo. Enjoy And kill your free time with this Game, and listen Armenian Classic Music. More musics will be include on next Updates.
Wipon for retailers - certified system to read information from excise labels of alcoholic beverages. Using Wipon you can simply scan the code on the package and immediately see alcohol authenticity status. According to the Legislation of the RK, storage and sale of alcoholic beverages without the
RK Link is a basic application for connecting a RIKEN KEIKI portable gas monitor to a smartphone. By pairing with a detector via Bluetooth, you can automatically send an email when an alarm occurs. Up to 100 destinations can be registered. You can quickly notify third parties of emergencies. You can
This app is the platform for all online tests of Dr. RK School of Arts, Commerce & Science in association with Career Point, Dibrugarh. The tests include all the online tests of Dr. RK School and Career Point (like mock tests of NEET, JEE Main & Advanced, etc.)
R k payal is whole sale showroom for exclusive in silver item in Hyderabad (Telangana. R k payal deals with Silver Anklets, with ornaments.We have wide range of customer, we offer timely service to our customers. We value our customer's needs offer any range of quantity silver.To facilitate and lot
Professionelt dokumentationsværktøj til VVS'ere udviklet i samarbejde med Brødrene Dahl. Udfør nemt serviceeftersyn inkl fotodokumentation på følgende områder: Eftersyn af: - Biobrændselsanlæg: pillekedel, fastbrændsel, halm - Fjernvarmeanlæg - Oilekedler - service & opstart - Gas kedler - servi
Hyr eller hyr ut ditt boende och skapa din annons i vår app. När annonsen ligger uppe är det bara att swipa på allt av intresse. Som uthyrare swipar du på hyressökande och tvärt om. När du får en matchning så kan du givetvis chatta med denne och förhoppningsvis leder detta till att ett kontrakt skr
▶▶ 도서출판 문예림의 최신 러한사전 및 최신 한러사전의 모든 표제어를 탑재하였습니다. ◀◀ ◼ iOS 15, 16에서 테스트 완료 ◼ Ⅰ. 서적 새 러한 사전은 한국어권 독자들의 러시아어 학습에 도움을 주기 위함과 동시에 한국어를 공부하는 러시어권의 학생들과 전문가들을 위한 것으로 정치, 경제, 사회, 문화, 기술과학 및 민속분야, 그리고 종교용어의 러시아어를 읽고 번역함에 유용하게 활용할 수 있도록 사전을 개발하는데 목적을 두었습니다. ◆ 본 사전의 특징은 다음과 같다. 1. 현재 러시아에서 가장 많이 쓰이는 올림말 약 17