This app will enable you to enter your income and expenses, categorize them and provide you with detailed breakdowns and analytics.
Com o aplicativo da Xtrack Academia, o aluno poderá consultar informações de seu plano, treinos, avaliação física, fazer checkin nas aulas e ainda receber avisos da academia.
Aplicativo da Infosmart Telecom. Com ele você pode: - Consultar informações referente a seus planos e serviços. - Visualizar faturas e encaminhar comprovantes de pagamento. - Visualizar e abrir suportes. - Receber notificações da Infosmart Telecom. - Visualizar a lista completa de contatos e red
InfoSMART™ Safety is for construction safety officer to monitor site status and be notified by immediate alert for incidence and take follow up action effortlessly. We thrive to achieve safety in construction industry with zoning control and worker management. InfoSMART™ Safety is a comprehensive so
Xtrack é uma solução perfeita para rastreamento de veículos. Com esse aplicativo os clientes podem ter acesso ao rastreado de onde eles estiverem, oferecendo praticidade, conforto e segurança. Você protege o seu bem material a qualquer momento e em qualquer lugar.
InfoSMART EXCEL Doer App is to facilitate contractor or sub-contractor to report the assigned rectification work progress. It is one of the two mobile applications of InfoSMART EXCEL– Engaged Quality Assurance & Progress Tracking Management Solution. InfoSMART EXCEL is a comprehensive construction
BVI (Building Visual Inspection) is an intelligent inspection solution for project progress and quality control specific for construction and surveyor industry. It streamlines the building / project inspection operations, including recording of building conditions, works progress and defects. The
Facade precast item tracking app.
CheckList is for construction industry to evaluate building and decoration quality. It supports offline mode and photo taking.
A Xtrack permite que você monitore os veículos rastreados. Com este aplicativo você poderá gerenciar o evento de alerta de ignição, que será acionado quando a ignição do seu carro for ligada. Você poderá gerenciar o evento de alerta de cerca que emitirá um alerta caso seu veículo saia do raio da
InfoSMART xTrack App is for construction site inspector to review progress, submit and close-out defect requests. It is one of the two mobile applications of InfoSMART xTrack – Engaged Quality Assurance & Progress Tracking Management Solution. InfoSMART xTrack is a comprehensive construction site pr
Hello, we're Xtrack – a global and innovative Vehicle-tracking specialist. It's our mission to share and discover the over the speed of vehicles and vibration of vehicles from across the world, and all in a social and friendly online environment. The Vehicle Trackers use for shoppers to detect vehi