PTT+ 讓你用iPhone/iPad也可以輕鬆掌握PTT上發生的大小事! 熱門文章: 即時掌握各大看板的熱門推文文章,以及目前鄉民最關注的內容。 全版瀏覽: 讓BBS圖不在跑版, 一個按鈕輕鬆切換為 "全版模式",不管是三熊圖還是NBA Box都一清二楚! 編輯文章: 新文章、回文、編輯文章或站內信,全部都不是問題,搭配進階的編輯頁面,讓你可以輕鬆編輯文字的前景與背景顏色,甚至是插入圖片。 影音解析: 不論是Youtube,網路相簿,或是各種圖片連結,PTT+都貼心的幫您自動呈現於文章內,讓鄉民在表特版可以輕鬆得欣賞正妹圖片。 低調文瀏覽: 開關燈的功能讓鄉民就算在暗室中也可以找
En tarz teknoloji sitesi Webtekno iOS uygulaması ile teknoloji, oyun ve internet - bilim dünyası hakkında güncel ve son dakika haberlerine hızlı ve kolay bir şekilde ulaşabilirsiniz. Sevilen video konseptleri Teknolojiye Atarlanan Adam, Game Of Tuvalets, ve mobil oyun - uygulama incelemeleri ve diğe
PTT批踢踢鄉民最佳選擇, 我們提供最完整的PTT瀏覽體驗, 註冊PTT新帳號, 免登入瀏覽PTT, 支援ASCII彩色編輯器, 收藏貼文, 黑名單, 連續推文, 發紅包等功能 如有問題請至粉專聯繫我們:
Türkiye'nin en köklü sosyal ağı ve en eski teknoloji portalı DonanımHaber, yeni mobil uygulaması ile aradığınız her şeyi elinizin altına getiriyor. Modern bir kullanıcı arayüzü ve yepyeni bir tasarım anlayışı ile baştan aşağı yeniden tasarlanan mobil uygulamamızda her gün yepyeni haberler, ülkenin v
The BeOn App turns your Apple iPhone or iPAD into a group oriented Push to Talk communications solution. If you are an organization looking for an alternative to building out or replacing a dedicated land mobile radio (LMR) system or are an enterprise looking to greatly expand the functionality and
Take Push-To-Talk Further: Based on 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) Mission Critical Push-To-Talk (MCPTT) standards, WAVE PTT provides fast, secure, reliable broadband PTT communication across any network, any device. Expand existing land mobile radio (LMR) service to include broadband use
AT&T Enhanced PTT & FirstNet Rapid Response To make your migration easy, we have made sure that FirstNet Rapid Response works with the existing AT&T Enhanced Push-to-Talk app, which is FirstNet Ready®. You’ll benefit from the MCPTT performance and features, with no need to download an additional
Quick, easy, and convenient voice messaging - Authentically communicate with co-workers and teammates to move work forward - Use push-to-talk (PTT) capabilities and voice to communicate 8x faster than typing - Capture the authentic tone of your voice in messages to reduce misinterpretation Communic
REAL-PTT Dispatch Console, a visual dispatching system based on the REAL-PTT system, with functions such as group calling, single calling, listening and viewing positioning, can provide companies with fast dispatching functions. Note: This application will continuously use GPS location services, an
Teknosa mobil uygulamasına hoş geldiniz! Dünyanın önde gelen teknoloji markalarının ürünlerini keşfederken size özel bir alışveriş deneyimi yaşamanız için tasarlanan mobil mağazamızda online alışveriş her zamankinden de kolay! Teknosa Mobil Uygulamasında Neler Var? En yeni teknoloji ile üretilmiş bi
Miu Ptt is a telnet based BBS (Bulletin Board System) browser for You must have an account in / before using this app. Please register your account at telnet:// (telnet:// from from your computer's terminal emulator. Miu Ptt 是一款 (批踢踢實業坊) 的瀏覽器應用程式。它以teln
The TeamConnect mobile app combines push-to-talk (PTT) communications with workforce productivity all in one mobile app. The combination provides instant PTT team and private communication plus the recording of field events, location tracking, forms submission, exception reports, and much more. Us
It is now very easy to make an online appointment whenever you want, and to make video calls with specialist physicians from your home or workplace! With our mobile application, you can make online calls anywhere to enjoy the use or without leaving the house. They can reach the physicians in their
En güncel ve özel teknoloji içeriklerine ulaşabileceğiniz ShiftDelete.Net'i iPhone üzerinde takip edebileceğiniz bu uygulama, teknoloji dünyasını cebinize getiriyor. Sitede yer alan her türlü habere, galeriye, inceleme ve makalelere ulaşabileceğiniz bu uygulama sayesinde, güncel teknoloji içerikleri
Our PTT - PoC APP allows you to use your mobile phone as a Nationwide commercial push-to-talk two way communication device. This app was primarily designed for use in the security industry, and can also be used for many other commercial uses. Our PTT - PoC APPs can also be used to communicate with
Azetti Push to Talk (PTT) is a professional iOS PTT client compatible with OMA standards that turns your iPhone into walkie talkie. Azetti PTT works over 3G, 4G or Wi-Fi and keeps you connected from anywhere you have network coverage. It is currently supported on iPhone devices, and requires subscr
下個世代的 Ptt 瀏覽 App!提供以下功能: - 「訪客瀏覽」: 讓你沒有帳號也可以逛 Ptt! - 「登入帳號瀏覽」: 有帳號的鄉民也可以登入,享受最即時的推文、文章內容! -「小工具」: 第一個支援 iOS 14 小工具的 App,讓你把 PTT 放在桌面上,不錯過任何最新消息! 更多功能在開發中,若有任何建議回饋歡迎寄信給「」 或上 Facebook 粉絲專頁搜尋「nPtt」給我們喔! 《使用者條款》 《隱私權政策》https://www.privacypolicygener
Bulut Yönetim Mobil Uygulaması ile; * İlgili olduğunuz tüm daire bilgilerine tek bir ekrandan ulaşabilir, * Aidatlarınızı proje bazlı olarak görebilir, * Mevcut borç/alacak durumunu anlık olarak görebilir, * Aidat ve projelerin detay bilgilerine ulaşabilirsiniz. Tüm bu kolaylıklardan fayda
行動版 PTT 最有設計感的 App! 新世代的 PTT 瀏覽器 簡約中帶點從容的介面設計,最體貼的獨家功能讓你愛不釋手, 帳號切換功能讓你換個 ID 繼續推一樣的話給鄉民看,完整的看板資訊顯示絕不遺漏, 高度自訂個人化調整,盡情更換背景顏色、文字顏色、按鈕顏色與排列享受無與倫比的自由, ANSI/MOBI 模式隨意切換不須重新載入文章,讓你輕鬆看鄉民的藝術不用愁, 最安全的 SSH/WSS 通訊技術,最隱密的加密技術,讓你的隱私資訊不亂走。 看在我押韻的份上,下載來試用看看嘛~ 訪客模式新登場!!免登入即可瀏覽 PTT 歡迎到粉絲專頁提供建議與問題回報喔!
LINX—Push to Talk, Track & Protect More than Push-to-Talk: LINX turns your smartphone into a PTT handset for secure, enterprise team communication. Want more? You can add GPS and Alert features to power productivity throughout your entire enterprise. Save on radio costs and expand coverage using an