Play the #1 SOLITAIRE (or Klondike Solitaire / Patience) card game on iPhone! Classic Solitaire, also known as Patience Solitaire, is the most popular solitaire card game in the world. Try our BEST SOLITAIRE card game, which is beautiful and fun like classic Windows Solitaire. Features: - Beautif
O App Drogaria São Paulo, vem substituir o App Meu Viva Saúde e trazer uma experiência ainda melhor para você! Cadastre seus convênios e benefícios e saiba qual é o melhor preço disponível para os produtos que você deseja. Promoções exclusivas e personalizadas toda semana para você economizar com
Parou, ativou a Zona Azul! Compre e ative seu cartão zona azul de forma 100% digital 32x mais barato do que uma multa. É tranquilidade e economia para você. Renove o seu tempo de onde estiver, pagando com o cartão de crédito ou débito. Além disso, veja o mapa de ocupação das ruas em tempo real
Bright. Fast. Simple. The most elegant and functional flashlight app, ever! And it even goes with a compass, giving you the direction in the darkness. Don't miss it! New feature: • Built-in Mini Map, by tapping on the compass • LED brightness control • Full support for iPhone 6, iPhone 6s, iPhone
O app oficial do São Paulo FC está aqui! Fique por dentro de tudo que acontece no Tricolor! Esteja conectado com o time onde estiver e mostre que é um verdadeiro são paulino. Veja notícias, confira os próximos jogos, responda quizzes, compartilhe sua opinião e dê palpites sobre os jogos do São Pau
Conheça o aplicativo Enel São Paulo. Tudo o que você precisa ao seu alcance. Faça o download e aproveite os seguintes serviços: -Consulta de Débito -Histórico de Consumo -Segunda Via de conta -Conta por e-mail -Débito Automático -Pagamento -Histórico de Pagamento -Falta de luz -Consulta
We’ve created a fast and secure way to sign in, pay your bill, and get insights on your energy use on the go. If you created an account prior to March 2018, you may need to go through the one-time registration process to associate your preferred email address with your online account. Simply click
Get It Now For Your Bonus Keyboards: At Midnight, Typewriter & Gold Digger! No More Boring Fonts For You! Join Over 5 MILLION Users So You Can Impress Your Friends! "The greatest collection of fonts on the entire App Store." ~Used over 50 Million times!~ Top Features For You: --> Over 118 fonts t
RG Digital SP é o aplicativo oficial de identidade digital do Instituto de Identificação da Polícia Civil de São Paulo. Agora você pode ter o seu RG Digital de São Paulo sempre disponível no seu dispositivo celular. RG Digital SP é um aplicativo gratuito que proporciona maior privacidade de dados,
Welcome to the best part of your day. Unless you won the lottery or something. Then, we’re probably a close second. Scissors & Scotch is the grooming experience every man deserves. With the S&S app, you can get that experience started with a quick and easy booking experience with your favorite st
Photo Editor allows you to edit and enhance your photos like a pro - download now for free! FEATURES - 50+ photo filters - Adjustments (brightness, contrast, vibrance, hue and more...) - Special Effects (comic effect, drawing/sketch effect and more...) - Draw on photos - Add text - Colorful splash
Start banking wherever you are with Mobile Banking for iPad and iPhone! Available to all S&T Bank online banking customers, Mobile Banking allows you to check balances, make transfers, deposit checks and pay bills. Available features include: Accounts - Check your latest account balance and search
Lightspeed Pocket is only available for businesses that use Lightspeed Retail POS (S). It is not available for new customers. Gain new insights into your business • Add as many store locations as you want and switch between them with ease • Access sales data from anywhere with real-time reporting •
360Eyes is a free APP, dedicated to the development of the panoramic camera software, the software can be real-time viewing, receiving alarm information, remote control, playback, video and other useful functions.
Take the classic strategy game Reversi with you wherever you go with Reversi. Place your pieces carefully and defeat your opponent in this back and forth battle. Reversi supports both 1 player and 2 player gameplay, so you can play against friends or test your skills against a challenging computer
여러분의 일상을 편리하고 안전하게 바꿔보세요! 1. 내 방의 불을 스위처로 켜고 끄세요! 2. 예약을 설정해 보세요~ - 아침에 모닝라이트 하시면 눈이 번쩍 떠질거에요 @_@ - 퇴근시간부터 자정까지 불 켜기! 내가 없는 빈 집을 지켜줄거에요 +_+ 3. 에어컨, TV 이제는 I/O 앱으로 켜고 끄세요! - 에어컨 예약해서 써보세요 (∗'v'∗) - 퇴근 후 밝고 시원한 집 안으로 들어갈 수 있어요~ 4. 체커로 문 열림을 감지하여 우리 집을 지킬 수 있어요! 스위처, 링커, 체커를 전용 앱으로 사용하세요
أول وأقوى تطبيق ايقاعات عربية حية وبجودة عالية أهم المميزات : - أكثر من ٣٨٠ إيقاع قابل للزيادة مع كل تحديث - إيقاعات حية و مستمرة (loops) - مجموعة من الاصوات الجاهزة للتشكيل مع الايقاع - امكانية التحكم بالسرعة دون التأثير على الجودة - امكانية البحث عن الايقاعات باللغتين العربية والانجليزية - إمكان
With constant remote monitoring and helpful tools designed just for professionals, the A. O. Smith Mobile App features the iCOMM™ connectivity platform, the latest technology for remote water heater management. Through an easy setup process, connect all your iCOMM™ enabled water heaters to the app
You’re in control with CB&S Bank Mobile Banking. Banking is even easier now with the convenience of Mobile Banking, saving you time with these convenient features: View Account Balances •Access real-time account information from your mobile device View Transaction History •Review deposits, checks
Welcome to the Ghost-o-Matic app, created by the Society for the Pursuit of the Reputedly Undead, Namely Ghosts, also known as SPRUNG, for use with the Ghostkeeper’s Journal and Field Guide. If you have not yet acquired your Ghostkeeper’s Journal, kindly follow this link: