Calculate your annual zakat payable with this great app specifically made for you. ********************************************************* Automatically fetches latest nisab value based on real time gold prices. ********************************************************* Zakat, obligatory on all
Ke Buena radio sin interrupciones desde tu dispositivo móvil. Escucha en tiempo real, navega y participa de promociones, noticias, videos, audios, fotos, la programación y el ranking musical en nuestro Elevador.
The official Mobile App of K-Electric, Pakistan’s only vertically integrated power utility serving millions of customers. “KE Live” is a self-service solution designed for K-Electric customers providing various services on the go. “KE Live” is here to make your life easy and hassle free with first o
Halo #OrangBaik, Selamat bergabung di Kitabisa, Aplikasi untuk jutaan kebaikan. Melalui aplikasi ini, kamu bisa berdonasi online dan berzakat secara rutin dengan mudah dan cepat. Jutaan #OrangBaik telah donasi online, sedekah & zakat online via Kitabisa. BARU: Donasi Otomatis Mau donasi setiap h
The brave soldiers of Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) fight a daily battle to safeguard India’s external and internal security. Protecting the hostile boarders in the west with Pakistan and in the north and east with China; and facing the threats generated by the militants in Jammu and Kashmir, i
100% of your Zakat will reach those most in need and will 100% make an impact. You can use Refugee Zakat Fund to pay your Zakat and Sadaqah throughout the year. Your donation will be distributed by the Refugee Zakat Fund, which is a trusted, compliant, and effective distributor of Zakat and Sadaqah
Zakat (or Zakah) is the third pillar of Islam and every Muslim is required to calculate and then pay the amount due each year to the neediest. The Zakat Pro app helps you calculate Zakah accurately and save your calculation from one year to the next. With its sleek design and ease of use, the Zak
Mi-ke-san (pronounced mee-kay) is Japanese Bobtail cat. A part-timer making taiyaki snacks at a local food joint. Come join her as she sneaks free food, flips tables, and more. Enjoy 40 stickers of Mi-Ke - and our other friends at Brunchy Cafe - our cute friends doing cute things and make your dai
في ربيع الأول 1403 هـ الموافق 16 يناير1982 م صدر القانون رقم 5 لسنة 1982 بشأن إنشاء بيت الزكاة كهيئة عامة ذات ميزانية مستقلة باسم بيت الزكاة تكون لها الشخصية الاعتبارية وتخضع لإشراف وزير الأوقاف والشؤون الإسلامية وكان تأسيس بيت الزكاة خطوة رائدة لإحياء ركن من أركان الإسلام وتيسير أدائه والعمل على جم
Korean Air Cargo application is designed to enhance your whole cargo experience. One touch solution to access different cargo specific functions like –Booking, My Cargo, Schedule, Tracking and Operations. 1. BOOK AND UPDATE YOUR SHIPMENTS HASSLE FREE A logged in user can make bookings for the schedu
The Zakat Fund is an application for an authority specialized in Zakat aiming to increase awareness of Zakat and establish the concept of its effectiveness and importance of its role in the development field on the individual and society levels. It works to revive this duty in application and practi
Crowdsource the greatest stories of your adventure with Keepsake. Keepsake captures the photos and stories behind the best moments of your next vacation. With Keepsake, you share memories, not just photos. What’s better than sharing your beautiful moments with the people you love!
아이유 응원봉 공식 온라인 서비스 애플리케이션 아이유 뮤직비디오 및 영상 싱크에 맞춰 공식응원봉이 컨트롤되는 온라인 전용 서비스 입니다. 언제 어디서든 당신만을 위한 작은 콘서트가 시작됩니다. 팬분들의 마음을 담아 응원봉을 흔들어주세요!
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Amis accounting is an accounting and financial management platform, suitable for companies of all sizes and business sectors. Providing user with an accurate overview of the company’s financial position: • Oversee and govern the company’s financial and operational performance: Revenue, Cost, Pro
Kabir was a poet and a saint, whose couplets still resonate with people from all walks of life. Born in the early 15th century to a Brahman widow, he was brought up in a family of Muslim weavers. While his date of birth and death are not firmly established, legend has it that he lived for a 120 yea
Project KE is the official app of New York's first anime-themed claw machine arcade, offering a brand new shopping experience! With Project KE, you can play claw machines anytime, anywhere by scanning the QR code on the machines in-store. Our store also offers a range of anime merchandise, including
"Zakaty" Application provided by the Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority; It is an optional service for individuals that allows them calculate the legal amount of Zakat and pay it to the beneficiaries directly in social security. The App includes many features and advantages such as: - Provide multipl
Tulus adalah aplikasi fintech islamik yang membolehkan capaian pantas dan selamat sepanjang tahun untuk perkhidmatan dan urusan pembayaran berteraskan Islam serta patuh syariah seperti Zakat, Waqaf, Infaq & Sedekah secara atas talian (online). - Proses pembayaran transaksi yang pantas & 'real-time
ZATCA, is the official app of The Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority that enables taxpayers to manage their zakat and tax profiles among wide collection of services and benefits, here is the most important benefits: • Submit the estimated zakat declarations. • Submit VAT declarations. • View invoices