Here we have listed selected previous year question that was asked in infytq certification exam. the all question are selected and approved by expert team .they try best to give correct solution and good explanation for every problem in case you find any question wrongly printed or wrong answer please write about in comment
all the Features in this apps are Almost all coding question are present that are asked in infytq exam,solution of each coding question and Algorithm Visualizer for sorting algorithm .it also contain objective question mock with sample question simple to use ui
What is InfyTQ exam?
This is a certification exam organised by Infosys only for the students from B.E., B.Tech, M.E., M.Tech, M.Sc., MCM or MCA and graduate/post-graduate who will be passing in 2021. The candidate has to register at the InfyTq app or portal to appear in the exam. The exam consists of two round, first – an online round at the centre and second – HR interview round, both take place on the same day at the same place.
The candidate has to score a minimum of 65% in the online round to be eligible for the certificate. The candidate who scores 65% or more are eligible for on the spot interview for the role of System Engineer .
So start preparing for Upcoming InfyTQ examination in upcoming month
Drive and land your self at reputed company. AB Design Group wishes you all the best for your exam
Please take a moment to rate our INFYTQ:Mock Test & Previous Year Question app.your feed back is very valuable and we helpus to improve the app also email us for any more inquiry or any suggestion to improve the app
all the Features in this apps are Almost all coding question are present that are asked in infytq exam,solution of each coding question and Algorithm Visualizer for sorting algorithm .it also contain objective question mock with sample question simple to use ui
What is InfyTQ exam?
This is a certification exam organised by Infosys only for the students from B.E., B.Tech, M.E., M.Tech, M.Sc., MCM or MCA and graduate/post-graduate who will be passing in 2021. The candidate has to register at the InfyTq app or portal to appear in the exam. The exam consists of two round, first – an online round at the centre and second – HR interview round, both take place on the same day at the same place.
The candidate has to score a minimum of 65% in the online round to be eligible for the certificate. The candidate who scores 65% or more are eligible for on the spot interview for the role of System Engineer .
So start preparing for Upcoming InfyTQ examination in upcoming month
Drive and land your self at reputed company. AB Design Group wishes you all the best for your exam
Please take a moment to rate our INFYTQ:Mock Test & Previous Year Question app.your feed back is very valuable and we helpus to improve the app also email us for any more inquiry or any suggestion to improve the app
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