This application is having aptitude questions with solution that came in TCS Ninja previous year placement papers which would help you to clear the TCS NQT. TCS NQT aptitude questions are mostly repeated from TCS Ninja placement papers. Practicing our TCS NQT placement paper questions will help you get familiarized with the concepts and similar questions are likely to occur in the actual TCS NQT 2021 exam.
It has five section
2.Quantitative Aptitude
3.Programming Logic
5.Study Material
Coding Section has Previous year Question asked and some practice coding question which help you to improve coding pattern
Programming Logic test the ability to understand c programming concepts and finding the output of the given program
English section ha complete the paragraph which can be asked by the TCS NQT papers
Study material which have a pdf which contail all previous year questio asked in TCS
This app will help you to practice aptitude ,coding ,programming logic to get qualify in TCS
NQT 2021
It has five section
2.Quantitative Aptitude
3.Programming Logic
5.Study Material
Coding Section has Previous year Question asked and some practice coding question which help you to improve coding pattern
Programming Logic test the ability to understand c programming concepts and finding the output of the given program
English section ha complete the paragraph which can be asked by the TCS NQT papers
Study material which have a pdf which contail all previous year questio asked in TCS
This app will help you to practice aptitude ,coding ,programming logic to get qualify in TCS
NQT 2021
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