Portugal has a vast geological heritage that it is important to know and protect. One of the places with a vast geological heritage is the Serras de Aire e Candeeiros Natural Park (PNSAC). The PNSAC, created in 1979, consists of the two hills that give it its name. It has an area of about 35,000 hectares, covering more than two thirds of the limestone massif of Estremadura, the largest limestone area in Portugal.
This application aims to support an outdoor activity within the discipline of Natural Sciences, 5th grade. The activity includes eight stops that explore the cultural, scientific and educational value of the PNSAC geological heritage, concretely in the Chãos - Alcobertas region, in Rio Maior.
To support the exploration of the activity two documents are available, one for the students, with different tasks to be performed at each stop, and another for the teacher, with suggestions for exploring the proposed tasks.
This application aims to support an outdoor activity within the discipline of Natural Sciences, 5th grade. The activity includes eight stops that explore the cultural, scientific and educational value of the PNSAC geological heritage, concretely in the Chãos - Alcobertas region, in Rio Maior.
To support the exploration of the activity two documents are available, one for the students, with different tasks to be performed at each stop, and another for the teacher, with suggestions for exploring the proposed tasks.
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