Pishti Card Game - Online icon

Pishti Card Game - Online

Card Interactive Games
Free (in-app purchases)
3.4 out of 5
500,000+ downloads

About Pishti Card Game - Online

Enjoy playing Pishti card game with online players in a fast and detailed social environment!

This is a fishing game, player tries to collect ground pile with playing a matching card.
♠♥♦♣ J ... 1 point
♠♥♦♣ A ... 1 point
♣2 ... 2 points
♦10 ... 3 points
Majority of cards ... 3 points
Playing same card when only one card at ground pile (Pishti) ... 10 points

Pishti game that have been played by over 1.200.000 Facebook users, is now on Android.

>> You can play in 2 player mode or 4 player team mode

>> Select game target point: 51, 101, 151, 201

>> Select card playing time limit: 5, 10, 15, 20 seconds

>> When one player leaves the game, computer controlled bot players play with you to complete the game

>> You can socialize with other players and talk with them while playing. If you gather elite package then you can add them as friends and chat privately

>> You can block the players that you don't like, they will not bother you anymore

>> You can join this game as a guest, or with email login, or using Facebook accounts

>> Best social Pishti game released at 2012

>> Pishti game have many names: Pişti, Pisti, Pishti or Pişpirik

Try this mobile version right now and compete against other players!

Pishti Card Game - Online Screenshots