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Fonemixo Pro

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About Fonemixo Pro

Talövningarna becomes fun with Fonemixo Pro. "The app is a very good and fun version of the more traditional speech therapy, then the app is both interactive and stimulates multiple senses." Johanna Kristensson, speech therapist, rated 5 of 5 at

Fonemixo Pro is a tool to help children who need practice different speech sounds. To say the words out loud is part of the exercises. You can record the child's pronunciation with a microphone. A parent, a speech therapist, a speech therapist or teacher can help. Fonemixo is a further development of Fonemo.

Train language sounds with the help of memory and free play. The cards in Fonemixo Pro has pictures representing words with the current speech sounds, such as the sun, sandals and stone. The app contains two games. One is a classic memory game in which you must pair the cards and at the same time to say out loud what you see in the pictures. In the second, you can play freely with the cards and create their own stories or maybe just find wrong-fun compound words.

Fonemixo Pro fit children from about three years and up. There are three difficulty levels, which makes the app challenging even for older children. Fonemixo Pro is easy to learn. The child need not be läskunnigt because the games are based on images.
- Record and listen -

Using a microphone, you can record the child's pronunciation and together you can hear how it sounds. Playback is automatic, but you can also press the speaker to listen again.

- phonemes -

You can choose to play with different speech sounds, either a single or mix several together. You can choose to play with language sounds in the beginning, middle, end, or mixed. In some cases, there is no language sound in all three positions. On the easy level occurs language sound, whether it is consonant, just with a vowel. For konsonantkombinationer are three in a row, only the hard level, such as spears.

Language sounds included are:

● b, d, f, g, j, k, l, n, p, r, s, t, v
● ng, sj, tj
● rd, rn, rs, rt
● 10 vowels in the car, cloth, house, sun, back, legs, onion, bus, sheep and elections
● 25 konsonantkombinationer:
- BJ, bl, br
- dr
- f, fl, fr
- gl, gr
- PM, kn, kr, kv
- mj
- PL, PR
- SK, SL, SM, sn, sp, st, en
- TR, TV

- Memory -

In memory game you can be one or two players, sitting next to each other or opposite. To say the words out loud is part of the game. If you wonder how a word should be pronounced, you can get the help of a teddy bear. Poke the teddy in the belly so says Teddy what the card represents. You can also set the teddy say the word each turn. Want to see something funny? Poke the teddy in the belly before you turned first card.

- Play free and create their own stories -

In the second game, you move around the cards the way you want. With the help of the pictures can be found in a story or compound words. It can be a story full of s-word or wacky compound words like goat helmet. There are many different cards on the board based on difficulty levels. Do you need new cards, just press the spin-arrow (refresh). In some cases, the selection is limited.

- Who can practice -

● Children need to practice speech sounds
● Parents who want to practice with their children
● Speech therapists, educators and special educators who want to have a tool in their work

- Fonemixo Pro is child safe -

The app Fonemixo Pro has no advertising and no purchase inside the app. There are parental helpful text where there are links to the web.

Fonemixo Pro:
● Stores no audio files in the app
● Send no data about the user
● Does not require the user to share personal information
● does not ask for date of birth
● does not collect and transmit personal information

- Fonemixo Pro in different languages ​​-

Play in Swedish or Norwegian. Change language by changing the device settings. Number of speech sounds can vary in the different languages.

- For plates and larger phones -

Fonemixo Pro is designed to work on plates and larger phones.

Fonemixo Pro Screenshots