iaddi (1+1 in letters):Calculator with text input, 3 variables. Calculates numerical integration and numerical differentiation. Creates a graphic of the function. Does not need any permissions.
Functions: *, / , + , - , ^ ( power of), sin(), cos(), tan, asin, acos, atan, sinh, cosh, tanh, asinh, acosh, atanh, sqr, sqrt, exp, ln, log, abs, rnd, random, rndg (random met Gaussian distribution), cot, csc, sec, acot, acsc, asec, coth, csch, sech, acoth, acsch, asech, sign, round, torad (from degree to rad), todegr (from rad to degree).
Boundaries for drawing graphic and integration can be given by using Start x, End x, start y and end y.
If start x and end x are the same, the boundaries for y are calculated automatically.
If start y and end y are the same, the boundaries for y are calculated automatically.
Warning:Integration can not recognize singularities, input of infinity is not possible. When a graphic with a singularity is drawn it is necessary to restrict the y boundaries by fill in start y and end y.
Functions: *, / , + , - , ^ ( power of), sin(), cos(), tan, asin, acos, atan, sinh, cosh, tanh, asinh, acosh, atanh, sqr, sqrt, exp, ln, log, abs, rnd, random, rndg (random met Gaussian distribution), cot, csc, sec, acot, acsc, asec, coth, csch, sech, acoth, acsch, asech, sign, round, torad (from degree to rad), todegr (from rad to degree).
Boundaries for drawing graphic and integration can be given by using Start x, End x, start y and end y.
If start x and end x are the same, the boundaries for y are calculated automatically.
If start y and end y are the same, the boundaries for y are calculated automatically.
Warning:Integration can not recognize singularities, input of infinity is not possible. When a graphic with a singularity is drawn it is necessary to restrict the y boundaries by fill in start y and end y.
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